~chapter 1~

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  The sky was a fiery orange and yellow. Streets empty and the world quiet. No one has been allowed outside since the war. At least not citizens. The government has been putting words in people's brains saying it's toxic, and going outside means death. Almost everyone believes it to be true. Everyday is the same. I wake up and stare out of my window watching as the trucks with our food and supplies come in and out of our city walls. The only ones who can go outside are those hired by the government. All of them wearing bright yellow hazmat suits. Unloading crates of supplies for us, since of course, no one can step foot outside.

It's only my mom and I. Dad left for the war, and we got the news that he's not coming back. "Sweetheart!", mom calls from downstairs, making me tune back into reality. I get up from the window and head down to where she called me. "Our supplies got transported. Can you help me unload?". "Sure, mom.", I reply. We, of course, have new technology. Everyone gets their own crate shipped with a supply transporter. Of course the government says that it only works on non living things so that no one tries to escape in one. We can however communicate with others with hologram watches. We click to a channel on the outside dial, and usually where it shows you time on an old watch, it gives us a hologram of the person we dialed.

After helping my mom with the crate, I ask to go call Zoe, one of my best friends from when we still went to school before the war. I plop onto my bed and start to dial her channel. I wait for a moment, and she pops up. "Hey, what's up?", she asks. "Just wanna get out of reality for a while. It's so boring.". "I feel ya. None of this feels normal still. It's been three years now since the war ended." Wow, has it really been that long? Guess, so. That means we would've been starting senior year. "It shouldn't feel normal, Zoe! None of this is normal." Right? I get a small rush of sadness. She's silent for a minute, but then says, "Chloe and I have an idea.", In a mischievous voice. Chloe is her twin sister and my other best friend, and when they have an idea, it can either be super good, or end up really badly. I look up curiously to see a smile that proves her tone. I start to grin, too. "Count me in."

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