~chapter 11~

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  I wake up to some kind of noise. It's sounds as if there's someone talking, but I don't hear another person's voice. I turn to face my alarm clock and see that it's only two in the morning so I try going back to sleep. I toss and turn for about a minute only to realize how hopeless it is. I creep slowly out of bed and to my door. I don't see any light from underneath so I gently start to open it. I don't realize until after the door is open enough to peak out of it, that I'm holding my breath. I look both ways twice before thinking to myself that's it's safe to go out. I thank the boards silently that they don't creak and hear that the whispers and on the left side of the hallway. I tiptoe down until I get to the second door on the right. Peyton's room, of course. I press my ear gently to the door and assume he's on the phone since I don't hear anyone but him. "Don't worry, sir, everything is taken care of." I raise my head in curiosity, but quickly put it  back so I don't miss anything. "No, sir, they don't suspect a thing, surprisingly, given the fact we've pretty much kidnapped them." I crinkle my nose at the fact I can't disagree with what he said. He continues on giving his daily report on us as if we're science projects. Then he stops and there's a sudden silence like he's listening for something, or maybe someone. I get scared and hold my breath like it will help to make me even quieter and then dart down the hallway as quickly and quietly as I can. I run into my room and shut the door without any noise. I lean on the closed door and let out the breath. I can hear my heartbeat getting louder with every breath. After about a minute I feel it's safe to look out in the hallway, but as turn around the knob twists and the door opens. My eyes stare in fear at the muscular chest standing in front of me blocking the entrance. I look up slowly and my heartbeat floods my ears.

He looks down at me and smiles. "I knew it was you.", my face turns red seeing his face in the shadows and his sweet, teasing smile only makes me flush even more. "Jax, what are you doing here?", I say, snapping out of my stare. "I saw you running from Peyton's room. What were you doing?", he says intently and somewhat aggressively. I step back and tell him to come inside so we don't get caught. We go to the bed and I look at him and blush a bit. I turn the lamp on and see that he's just staring down at me. The boyish grin has left his face and turned to a thin line and a clenched jaw. "I heard whispering from over there so I got curious and tried listening in. Then it got silent and I got scared so I ran. Then you showed up at my door and now here we are." I said quickly without taking a breath in between my sentences. I look back up at him and see his eyes are a little softer and his jaw isn't as tight. "Did you hear what he was saying?", he asks after a few seconds. "I heard Peyton on the phone, but I couldn't hear the other side. He was talking about us like science experiments and how we don't suspect anything. He's planning something, but I'm not sure what any of us have to do with it. I think the person he was talking to might be his boss. Peyton did say he was working for the government.", I stop talking trying to fit the pieces together, but I keep ending up with nothing. I look at Jax for any ideas and can see he's trying to think too. Then he looks at me and says, "I think we need to keep this to ourselves for now. The others are having a good time and if we get them involved, Peyton will know somethings up. He needs to keep thinking that we're wrapped around his finger because of all of this stuff." I nod my head in agreement and blush when I just see him staring at me. "I'm glad you explained and opened up to me about what you were doing at his room." I hear the way he emphasized the word 'his' in a jealous tone. He scoots closer to me and I open my mouth to question, but he stops me by putting his hand on my cheek. "I don't know what I would've done if it was what I thought it was.", he whispers softly in my ear and his deep voice send chills down my spine and goosebumps form on my arms. He moves away and stands up. "Get some sleep, Alex. I'll see you at breakfast." And with that he turns and walks out into the hallway. Leaving me red and wordless. I turn off my lamp and try sleeping only to find myself lingering on those words he whispered in my ear.

Later that morning I wake to the banging on my door. "Alex, hurry up!", Chloe yells. "You're going to be late for breakfast!" 'Breakfast? Jax!', I think to myself. I run to my closet and find a yellow t-shirt and blue jeans. I quickly run the brush through my hair and take a gulp of mouth wash. I put my hair in a ponytail and splash water on my face and run out the door, almost knocking Chloe over. "Ready!", I say gleefully. She looks at me stunned. I tilt my head in question and she responds with, "That only took you like two minutes. Who are you and what have you done with, Alex?" We both laugh and step into the elevator when we get out we smell the amazing smell of a homemade breakfast. When we get to the dining area, everyone is standing their chair waiting to be seated. No one's allowed to eat until everyone is here. Peyton speaks when we all start to sit down, "Before we begin, there will be an extra guest.", he gestures to the extra seat. Down the hall I can hear the sound of boots on the wooden floors out in the hallway. The doors suddenly burst open. She stands there, smiling. "Good morning, everyone. My name's, Victoria."

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