~chapter 6~

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We all waited, anxious to find out what happened to he boys. We hear footsteps and out of the shadows come the boys. Chloe, Zoe, and I rush over and embrace them in a group hug. "Don't ever do that again, Ryan!" Zoe says, smacking him on the back of his head. "What about all of our stuff?" I ask. Jax responds, "It's still all there and I don't think anything got too damaged." I look over to where they came from and start walking to get our stuff.

Shortly after, I return with all of our bags and hand one each of them. I get out the first aid kit and start checking for wounds on the boys. Luckily it was just a few scratches and bruises but, Ryan got a semi- deep cut on his forearm. It wasn't too deep to get a scar, but bad enough that we have to wrap it. We start walking again after checking on them, and having a snack and water break.

The elevator dings and there are people in lab coats are bustling around like ants, searching camera after camera. "Where are they!" The man shouts. His knuckles are turning white from clinching his fists tightly. He walks down the the few steps and into the lab. The sea of lab coats part out of his way. He searches the cameras, clicking rapidly with rage. His eyes are aflame and he looks at a man in one of the coats. "I want them found and brought straight to me. I don't care if that means dead or alive." Just then there was an evil spark in his eyes and he goes on to say, "Actually. I want the girl, Alex, alive. I don't care if the others come here alive or not. Just do what must be done." The lab coat man nods and hurries away.

Back in his office, he goes back to his window and stares into the distance. "I'm coming for you, Alexandra. Maybe this will teach you a lesson about disrespecting the government.

We've made it to the end of the sewer- like tunnel. Jax offered to go first and he borrowed Ryan's bat. A few seconds later he pops his head back down here and gives us the all clear. Chloe goes next, then Ryan, Zoe, and I go last. I start climbing the ladder and I grab the hand to help me up.  Walk up into a janitor closet and then realize I'm still holding the hand and look up to put a face to that hand. My eyes widen and my cheeks get hot, I just held Jax's hand. I quickly let go and and smile nervously, "S- sorry about that." I mumble. He gives a light laugh, "It's all good. It think it was kind of cute." My cheeks burn again and I turn on my heel and walk out of the closet. Chloe and Zoe turn to each other and smile devilishly, then turn to me. "That closet must be a sauna now, from how steamy you two just got." Chloe winked. Jax came out a minute after I did. "I closed the lid to the tunnel and got a few supplies from the closet." He says. Zoe glances at me and smiles. I shrink down and try to not blush again.

We start walking the halls of an old, abandoned school. We find a window and see that it's night time, so we move some desks to give us space to sleep. About what felt like an hour, I was still tossing and turning. I get up and feel around for my flashlight and go out to get some air in the hallway. I sit down and start to think of how much I miss my mom. Our watches weren't working, probably because there isn't service past the walls. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up to see Chloe. She sits next to me and asks if I'm okay. "I just couldn't sleep." I say. "I keep thinking of mom and wonder if she's keeping her promise." I look down, not wishing to make eye contact. I told Chloe what happened with my mom and I, and the conversation we had before I left. She gives me a sad smile and hugs me. "Jessica is strong. I have a gut feeling that she's going to be just fine and when we come home, she'll be cleaned up.". Chloe's words made me feel a little better and we walked back in the room with the others, who were still asleep. "Goodnight, Alex.", Chloe whispers. I look over to see her going back to sleep. Goodnight, Chloe, I think in my head, starting to drift off.

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