~chapter 4~

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  It was a Tuesday when everything happened. We didn't know it was coming. We were all sitting in our usual circle and sharing snack that each of us brought in a backpack. It was hot and dry that night so we packed some extra water. It was close to one in the morning and a small bug like camera crept up. We had no idea what it was until Chloe screamed and squished it. That's when it started to beep and flash. Smoke came out, at first lightly, but then it got so bad we couldn't breathe properly. Everyone started coughing and my eyes burned so bad I could only squint and everything was blurry. Everyone got out just in time. We were about twenty, maybe more, feet away when the building exploded. I think we all had the same reaction when we saw it burst to flames. We all looked each other knowing that the government found us, and that was our warning. We didn't want our families getting hurt so we never told them.

It's Friday when there's a knock on the door and then a letter comes through our transporter. I come downstairs to see Mom asleep on the couch when it happens. Drunk, I'm sure. I pick up the letter to see who it's from but all it says is that it's to Jessica, my mom's name. I look to her and back down to the letter questioning whether or not to open it. I decided not to and I gently tapped her. I took a few steps back hoping she doesn't swing a right hook or something. She barely moves but I know she's up. "Mom, a letter came for you." I say, trying not to talk too loudly since she probably has a migraine. I had her the letter and she takes it sleepily. I wait for a few seconds, but then head back up to my room.

I'm on the phone with Zoe when mom calls me downstairs. I hang up and go down stairs. Mom is sitting down at the dinner table and I sit across from her. I notice that the letter is in her hand, making me a bit nervous as to what's on it. "So.", she starts. "What does it feel like to go outside?". Oh no.. I gulp a little loud, knowing I'm in big trouble. Guess I should've opened the letter. "Umm.. Nice?", I say nervously. I look in her eyes but it's not what I thought they'd look like. They don't look mad or angry but instead, hurt and somewhat sad. Then she gets a more serious and moves in more closely. "If you survived outside then it means the government has lied. To all of us. I need to tell you something, but it will also require whoever else went outside with you.", she looks around nervously as if she's looking for cameras and microphones, which I don't doubt are there.

It's close to eight at night and I call Zoe and tell her what my mom told me. Shortly after, we hang up and I call Jax. "Hey, Alex. What's up?", he says. I tell what my mom said and that Chloe is calling Ryan to tell him the plan. We all agreed for everyone to sneak off to my house by ten.

Once we're all here, she speaks. "The government has lied to everyone about outside." Then she says that before the war, she knew some people who snuck out during that time. I don't really know anyone at first, then she said my uncle's name. Dad's brother. My eyes wide and I'm shocked by the mention of his name. "But I thought he died in the war.", I blurt out loud. "That's what he wanted everyone to think.", Mom replies. Ryan speaks up, "If you knew this, then why didn't you leave too?". Mom gets a sad look before saying, "Because I thought my husband was coming back.". I look down, not wanting people to see the tears forming in my eyes. I blink them away before any of them fall. She goes on to explain that there is a tunnel that leads to the other side of the wall. The tunnel is about a two days walk nonstop. It will lead to an abandoned school into a janitor closet so it wouldn't be seen, we have to be careful since we don't know what could be waiting for us. She tells us where the tunnel is, which is behind fire station 12.

It's about 11 o'clock now and everyone snuck back home to start packing. Since we have to pack light, we assigned who would bring what. Zoe and Chloe are bringing food, water and money. Jax packed flashlights, matches, and knives. Ryan has a gun, ammo, and decided to bring is bat just in case. And I packed the first aid kit and a map of the city to find the tunnel. The clock struck midnight and I'm hugging my mom goodbye. She let out a few tears but before I left, she swore to me that she's going to get better and stop drinking. I smiled and thanked her and I walked to the door. I looked over my shoulder and saw her with more tears in her eyes. "I love you, Mom.", I say. "I love you too, Alex.". And with that, I leave home.

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