~chapter 3~

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The room was dark and somewhat empty. The only light was from the window, which a man was standing by. His hands behind his back, as if studying the sky very closely. A small knock on the door broke the dead silence. "Come in.", a man said. A second later, a petite woman opened the door and closed it behind her. "What's the news?", he asked the woman, still standing by the window. She looked around a little nervously and answered in a quiet voice. "Five kids. They all seem about the same age, which we assume is close to seventeen or eighteen." He moves his hands to his sides and clenches his fist, but releases it. He takes a deep breath trying to control his temper. "Did they find any names?". "One, sir. Alexandra, but goes by Alex. She used to go to school and we believe her friends did too.". "Hurry up with the search and report to me immediately when you find something else.". "Yes, sir.", She replys quickly and leaves. Her footsteps start to fade and he's back to a silent room. He turns from the window, his fists in balls. "Stupid, kids.", he says with his teeth clenched. "You should've stayed inside and did as you were told." He walks out of the room and takes a right to some elevators. He clicks the button to the basement and steps out to some sort of laboratory. There in the middle is a huge machine and people buzzing around in lab coats. "If only you knew... Alexandra."

It's been almost a week since we snuck off. Turns out, the government was lying about the toxic air. We've been coming to the apartment building a few times, but only at night so we don't get caught. We're all sitting in a circle and talking about random things. Who can hold their breath the longest, what we miss most, and why government has been keeping this a secret from everyone. I start to get up and tell everyone I need some fresh air. It's about three in the morning, but the sky is still dark when I walk out of the building. I take a deep breath and let out a sigh. I miss my dad. I think mom has taken it the hardest, ever since he's been gone, she's been drinking again. I know I have her, but I still feel all alone. I'm so lost in my thoughts I never saw Jax come up behind me. "Boo.", he says. I jump a little and he lets out a small laugh. I've been getting less nervous around him now and I can talk to him without stuttering. "Hey.", I respond back. We start talking and soon enough ten minutes have past by. We started off with some silly questions like, what super power would you want, and which animal would you want to be and why. Then it got pretty serious. He opened up a little about his past about jumping from foster home to foster home. But it looked to be too much for him so we stopped talking about it. I opened up about how my dad never came back from the war, but we never found the body. They think he was in a bombing zone. I couldn't go much further without crying. Even then a tear slipped out. I haven't cried since his funeral, which was around two and a half years ago.

Back in the room with our group we're getting ready to go back home. It's three thirty in the morning and everyone is yawning. We stayed out a little longer than usual tonight. Once I got back home safely, I fell asleep instantly.

Back in the dark room, the man is sitting in a chair behind his desk faced to the wall. A small knock sounds and the woman from before enters. "We found them all, sir." The woman says. "Good.", he smiled a cold smile and turns to face the woman. "I want to know everything.", he says as he stands up. She nods and notices that he's clothed in an all black suit, but thinks nothing of it, and walks out with him.

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