Unlocking the darker side

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Blakelynn's POV
"M-marriage?!" I stutter, raising my voice slightly, my first mistake.

"Why yes of course! Why Blakelynn is there a problem?" My father replies, a serious look on his face, which I ignore, my second mistake.

"Well yeah! I mean we are only 17, haven't even graduated yet and you're already trying to get us married!" I yell while standing up and walking towards my parents, my third mistake.

"Well that's mafia life! And you will not speak to me that way! Mija, this is life so suck it up and deal with it!" My father yells, venom lacing every word making everyone in the room flinch - even Jayce.

"Sí Papa, lo siento, no volverá a suceder." (Yes Papa, I'm sorry, it won't happen again) I say, nodding at my fathers rant, bowing in respect.

"Estoy contento." (I'm glad) He says calmly - I swear he's bipolar but I don't question it.

I glance at the squad, they look tense and some confused, probably because we spoke in Spanish, and then my mother interrupts my train of thought.

"So, as I was saying, there will be rules that I will explain and then you are to meet Gio in his office afterwards, understand?" Everyone nods, "okay rule number 1, everyone is to keep their rooms clean and tidy up after themselves - I hate filth, rule number 2, if you would like to invite people over you must ask Gio first - same goes for visiting people. Rule number 3, there will be a 'family dinner' every night at 7:00- attendance is mandatory...." she carries on but ive heard all these rules before so I start to zone out.

While zoning out, a wave of nausea hits me.
Shit, I can't leave that disrespectful!
My father is gonna kill me but it's either me leave or throw up on their expensive fur rug.

With that thought I stood up and rushed as fast as I could towards the bathroom.

Jayce's POV
We are all listening to the huge list of rules that Renné is reading out and jeez these guys are strict. Anyways as she starts to say rule number 8, Blake practically jumps out of her seat on my lap and sprints out the door. Everyone stares and I glance at her father, let me tell you he is pissed.

"¡BLAKELYNN ROSA BLAZE, VUELVE AQUÍ AHORA, TU PUTA PEQUEÑA IRRESPETUOSA!" (Get back here now, you disrespectful little bitch) Mr Blaze barks after her, his voice making the room go dead silent.

A few minutes later, we hear Blake  from the doorway,
"Lo siento Papa, tuve que vomitar. Creo que estoy enfermo." (I'm sorry Papa, I had to throw up. I think I'm sick.) I notice Blake's face is emotionless whenever she is around her father but I can tell in her eyes that she's terrified of him being angry at her.

"Blake we have been over this how many times? No matter what, we keep training, we keep working, we stay strong! Sicknesses make us weak. Tears make us weak. Emotions make us weak. And?" He waits for her to carry on,

"And Blazes are not weak." She says while staring him straight in the eye.

I can tell that she has heard this many times and it isn't right at all. If anything it's not healthy! Bottling up emotions like that and not being allowed to have rests - even when sick will make her weaker not stronger. One day it will explode, and she's going to break down- I won't let that happen!

"Bueno, Mija." (Good, dear) he nods approvingly and I notice the fear vanish from her eyes and in replacement is pride.

So Legacy was right. No matter how badly he treats her, she hates to disappoint him - she always wants him to be proud in her and no matter what he does, I can tell she would always be loyal to him.

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