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You felt your face heat up as your eyes met Bakugous. The world felt silent and you were calm in his arms. Everything was perfect till you heard cute giggles turn into screams of terror and your body tightened around Bakugou and you froze in place, not breaking eye contact with Bakugou.

"Woah crazy eyes calm down, don't turn on your quirk righ- ah!"

Bakugou let you go and held his eye. You ran to your bag and looked in a mirror you had packed and noticed your eyes were red meaning your offensive side to your quirk was on. Quickly you tied one of your shirts around your head to cover your eyes so you couldn't hurt Bakugou more. You soon realized that was a bad idea, you now not only were not touching Bakugou but now you couldn't see him either. Your body then started to shake and you fell to your knees and you started to hyperventilate, everything was loud again.

"What the fuck are you doing dumbass?!"

You felt a hand reach around to the back of your head untying the shirt that you had covering your eyes leaving the shirt to fall to the floor revealing Bakugou with one eye closed and what appeared to be blood.


You shut your eyes tight to prevent your body from using your quirk on Bakugou again hurting him more.

"Hey dumbass! Look at me!"

"No! I don't want to hurt you again!"

"Your eyes are pink damn it, open them."

You opened your eyes and looked at Bakugou. You felt your eyes well up in tears as you saw his swollen eye.

"I-Im sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Oh shut up!"

Bakugou pressed his forehead to yours, your nerves calming at the contact. Now that you're calmer you focused your quirk on his eye, healing it.

It took about a minute for Bakugou's eye to be completely healed so that he could open it again but you healed it nonetheless.

"Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I guess I jus-"

"Stop apologizing already!"

Bakugou yelled at you, shutting you up.

"Now I think we're going to do something before we were so rudely interrupted."


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Dumbass | Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now