Barbies. 02

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Ricky lives about 2 houses away from Nini and they meet for ice cream almost every Sunday. Dedicating this chapter to hsmtmts_love20 for voting for this story! Tysm!

Ricky and Nini, First grade.

It was a fine Sunday morning, the birds chirped, the sun shone warmly through the open windows, and a gentle breeze blew through the small neighborhood, when little Nini heard a knock on the door. She skipped down the stairs merrily, and ran to the door. She opened it to find Ricky grinning like a fool. 'Its ice cream time!' he exclaimed, happily throwing his arms up in the air. Nini laughed at his antics, greeted him with a hug and went to ask her moms to take them to their favourite ice cream parlor/cafe, Denny's. Ricky stood there near the doorway, patiently waiting for Nini to come back, fiddling with his zipper.

A minute later, Nini came back with a sad pout. 'Sorry 'icky, Mama C said no because she has to go somewhere.' Ricky frowned for a split second, furrowing his little eyebrows, before saying 'Its okie,we cin pliy here!' Nini thought about it for a second, and let him in and both of them raced up to her room.

'What should we do?' Nini asked, crossing her arms and looked at him. Ricky looked around and thought about it for a second and said 'I winni show you something cool!

Nini was confused and excited at the same time. Ricky saw her face and then walked up to her pink doll house and randomly grabbed a Barbie doll. What Ricky didn't know was that was Nini's favourite doll, Gabriella from High School Musical.

He ran downstairs excitedly. Nini ran down after him. He struggled and finally reached t microwave door handle and opened the door. He kept the doll inside and closed the door. Nini thought that he wouldn't switch it on and would probably use the microwave as a doll house. Unfortunately, he switched it on accidentally, when he turned around to do a 'tada! A house for barbie!' and his elbow bumped into the power button which started a timer and the microwave hummed.

Nini was worried, and kept peeping into the microwave, seeing through the glass, while Ricky stood next to her, drinking some water, with an accomplished smile. Her favourite doll in the whole world was in the microwave. A minute later, the microwave came to a stop and the loud and shrill timer went off. Ricky opened the microwave door, only to see a big puddle of peach goo and burnt black powder. Nini saw the goo and tears started to well up in her eyes. She was mad at Ricky for microwaving Gabriella.
She shoved him aside and ran up to her room crying. Ricky realised his mistake a few seconds later and he felt really bad and wanted to apologize to her. He went up to her room and stood near the doorway, looking straight at her. 'Nini, I'm sorry..' he said softly, with a sad expression. 'Go away!' she shouted back angrily, not lifting her head up from the pillows she was crying on. Ricky walked back home sobbing. Mike was watching the news when Ricky came home. He saw Ricky's tear stained cheeks. He switched off the TV and went up to him. He kneeled down and held Ricky by his shoulders. 'Everything alright, bud?' 'Nini is crying.. I melted her doll.. now she won't ..'
'It's okay, Ricky. I'm here now.
How about we get her a new one and you go give it to her and apologize?' Ricky nodded his head sadly.

Ricky knocked softly on the door. Mama D opened the door and let him in. She smiled as she knew Ricky wanted to make things right with Nini. She had tried to console her (Nini) earlier, but it was of little use. Ricky went up to her room and sat down with her on the bed. She was asleep. He kept the new doll next to her pillow and got up. He spread the blanket over her to make her comfortable. He then walked home, feeling a little better.

Nini POV:
She woke up about an hour later and saw the new doll and that she had a blanket over her. Ricky came over to apologize, she thought to herself. She felt bad for yelling at him when he wanted to apologise. Nini wanted to thank Ricky for the new doll and say that she was sorry, for yelling at him and that she forgave him as well. She smiled and grabbed the new doll and went downstairs. Mama C and Mama D were in the kitchen. She showed them the new doll and said 'Can I go to Ricky's house? I want to go and talk to him.' They agreed, after telling her that they would come to pick her up about an hour later. Nini grabbed her tiny yellow coat and left.

Nini ran to Ricky's house and rung the doorbell. Mike opened the door.

'Hello Mr. Bowen, is Ricky here?' 'He's in the tree house, kiddo.'

Nini smiled and ran to the tree house, which was not very far from his house. She saw Ricky sitting sadly, twiddling his thumbs. She climbed up the ladder and went up. 'Ricky!'
He lifted his head, expecting to see his dad or his mom. Ricky didn't expect Nini to come here at all. 'Nini? Nini!' He said cheerily and gave her a big hug. His heart fluttered at the close contact with her. 'I'm sorry Nini, I'm stupid sometimes.' Nini chuckled and said 'It's okay Ricky. I forgive you. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have shouted at you when you wanted to apologise.' 'We're still friends?' He asked, smiling a toothy smile at her. 'Best friends.' She replied, linking her arm in his. Ricky grinned like a fool. His joy knew no bounds now that Nini was his best friend now again. 'Come pliy with me.' Nini sat down with him and they played together, laughing and talking for hours, till Mama C got worried and came there and saw them playing together in the tree house. She sighed in relief. Mike offered to let Nini sleep over and Mama C agreed and went back home.

See you in the next one!
As always, all my love,

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