Skateboard. 05

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I realised that this was mentioned in 1x08.. so here it is...
BTW, a huge shoutout to bruhitznae,hsmtmtsxoxo and hsmtmts_love20 for voting on the previous chapters! This sweet chapter is dedicated to you guys! Thank you!
Ricky can spell his A's now, but still calls her Nini.


Fourth grade.
Nini was excited about her science project. She had her moldy bread ready for observation. She didnt allow anybody to even go near it. Once, Mama D threw it out thinking that it was rotten and should be in the trash, and boy, did Nini have a fit. She refused to talk to them at all. They later gave her some new bread for her science project, which is what she has now.

Ricky meanwhile, was going through a phase where he was obsessed with the colour green. He wore green clothes all the time, refused to eat food that wasn't green, used green soap and water bottles and pretty much everything green.. Mike and Lynne had thoroughly given up trying after a few days.

That day, after school, Ricky was bored out of his mind. He was staring at the ceiling and aimlessly tracing figures in the air. Mike came in and said, 'Hey bud, what are you doing here?' Ricky then replied in a drab tone, 'I'm really bored. There's nothing to do here.' 'Why don't you go play with Nini, bud, I'm sure she is bored too' 'Okie dokie', Ricky said and dashed out of the room with his skateboard and helmet. He put his helmet on and kept his skateboard down and went to Nini's house.

He held his skateboard in one hand, and rang the doorbell. Mama D opened the door. 'Hello, Ricky. Nini will be down in a minute. Come on in.' She said and smiled and gestured for him to come inside. Mama D then called for Nini. He went inside and sat down on the sofa. Nini came skipping down the stairs, like she always used to, humming a random tune. 'Hey, Ricky, What are you doing here?' 'I was bored Nini, you wanna do something?'

'Sure, what do we do?' 'How about I teach you how to skateboard?' 'Ricky...I..' 'Come on, Nini, live a little!' Nini sighed. 'Okay.' 'Great' 'I'll go tell Mama C '
'Yeah okay.' Ricky smiled and went outside. He picked up his skateboard and kept it down on the hard concrete.

Nini came outside, nervousness written all over her face. 'Here, Nini hold my hand and keep one leg on the board' Nini held his hand, she felt butterflies in her stomach. Her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. His hands gripped hers tightly, as if never letting go. She smiled and kept one leg on the board. She felt a surge of confidence with Ricky, and kept her other leg on the board too.

He slowly pushed the board forward. Nini felt scared at first, when the board started moving but Ricky kept talking to her, trying to distract her from the fear of falling and it worked, she felt better. After a few small pushes, she had gotten used to it- The rhythm of the wheels and the movement of the board when they turned. He cracked a few jokes and chuckled when she almost fell and caught her swiftly, holding her waist tightly. 'Thank you' she said softly. 'No problem' he replied with a smile and let go of her once she stood up again.

Almost an hour and half later, she was able to control the skateboard. Ricky smiled proudly at her. 'Neens, I'm letting go now. Keep your balance, okay. I'm right here.' Nini shakily kept her balance and then slowly moved forward. She then skated down the road till the end, picked up a little pace and then came back to where Ricky was standing.'Did I get it right?' she asked. 'Yes, Neens! you did it!' he said happily.

Ricky enveloped her in a big hug, picking her up excitedly and spinning around and slowly let her down to the ground. Though Nini was extremely surprised, she didn't complain. Nini felt safe and warm when she didnt want to let go.She had butterflies in her stomach the whole time. 'Thank you Ricky, you are my bestest friend ever' The butterflies returned in his stomach when she smiled at him. 'You are my bestest friend ever too Nini' he replied and smiled back.
They walked back home hand in hand.

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