>>Chapter 1<<

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The cool summer breeze blew through (Y/N)'s hair, slowly dancing through the curls and disappearing behind her back. (Y/N) took a step back to admire the view of the island that lay ahead the ship she was on. Behind her were a million stories of her past, but she focused on what was in front of her. She grabbed the rail and stared as the boat moved closer and closer to her new home on the Alola region.

The boat finally came to a stop, shaking (Y/N) and pulling her out of her daydream. She got off the boat and stared at the docks unsure of where to go next. Of course, she had her new address and could go home and unpack, but she felt like procrastinating for a bit so she opted for exploring the island. And on that note, she pranced away, off to the unknown.

She found herself on a street full of stores and decided to window shop for a bit before exploring a bit further. The shops were colourful and full of life, which cheered (Y/N) up a bit, after all, she was tired from the long ride all the way from Galar. She went from window to window, admiring the outfits on the mannequins and pondering about her own sense of fashion. (Y/N) figured changing her look would suit the moment. New home, new look; a fresh start. She went in one of the shops and looked around for what seemed like hours until she found the perfect match. A grey blouse that somehow made her violet eyes pop out even more, a black skirt and knee-high socks to match, with black boots. Why all black? Well, because it matched her hair and (Y/N) liked having a theme. She then left the shop wearing her new outfit and carried on with her task of getting to know the place.

While walking through the shops in search of something new, something caught her attention. A green haired guy carrying the biggest bag of...doughnuts? (Y/N) could only wonder. Nevertheless, she approached the hungry-looking guy and asked if he needed any help, which apparently startled the guy making him drop the bag.

— "Oh hey, sorry I didn't see you there." —The guy apologised as he picked up the bag. Luckily, nothing dropped out of the bag.

— "With all those doughnuts, how could you?" — (Y/N) joked. The guy only laughed. If it was genuine or out of nervousness she couldn't tell.

— "They're not doughnuts, they're malasadas." — The green haired guy looked at (Y/N) only to notice confusion written all over her face. — "You don't know what a malasada is?"- He seemed surprised, as if it were unfathomable that someone didn't know about the wonders of malasadas.

— "Given the fact that I only arrived an hour ago, I'm gonna go with no." — She stated and the guy dramatically gasped, making her laugh.

— "Well, then you are in for a treat."- The guy said as he pulled one of the malasadas out of the gigantic bag he was holding. — "Try one." — He said as he held out a malasada in front of (Y/N)'s face. She took the malasada in her hands and stared at it unsure of how to proceed. She heard a laugh and turned to look at the green-haired guy who seemed highly entertained with her confusion. — "It won't bite you; YOU have to bite it." —The guy said, explaining to (Y/N) the basics of how to eat, which (Y/N) did not think was funny. At all.

(Y/N) took a bite and looked back at the newly met stranger in awe.

— "Is it great or what?" — He said excited. (Y/N) Only nodded, surprised a dou...malasada could taste so good. The green-haired guy then proceeded to explain all the possible flavours a malasada could have. Then he showed (Y/N) where the shop was so she could buy some for herself. As he was about to leave (Y/N) spoke up:

— "I didn't get your name." — The guy smiled sheepishly realising he gave a big lecture on malasadas to a total stranger without bothering to introduce himself.

— "My name's Hau." —He extended his hand. — "Pleasure to make your acquaintance." — (Y/N) took his hand and shook it.

— "(Y/N)" —She simply stated.

— "Well, I'll see you around then." —Hau said, while walking away with the massive bag full of malasadas. He could barely see where he was going but he was stubborn. (Y/N) laughed to herself and continued getting to know her new home.

She walked through the island for hours and visited every tourist spot from one end of the island to the other. After a while, she decided to head home, feeling satisfied with her sightseeing. On the way home she stopped at the beach, which was not that big a deal given that her house was literally 5 minutes away from the beachfront.

 While walking down the path that lead to the beach, she noticed someone standing there, just looking at the ocean. It seemed to be a boy around (Y/N)'s age, with blonde hair that kind of reminded (Y/N) of French fries, and his attire seemed to be all black, at least from where (Y/N) could see. She couldn't quite see his face, as he was turned back to stare into the ocean. He didn't seem to notice (Y/N) standing there staring at him like an idiot, so she decided to leave, but the image of that guy was imprinted on her mind.

(Y/N) went home but for reasons she couldn't yet comprehend, she kept thinking about the beach and that boy. And with the image of golden locks and sea foam, she drifted off to sleep.

A/N Hello there! This is my first fanfic ever so if you have any suggestions please let me know! Also, english is not my native language so I apologise for any mistakes, I appreciate it when people correct me so don't be afraid to let me know if I fucked up! I am currently in school so I'll update whenever I can. I hope you like my story!

Connecting Heartstrings | GladionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora