Chap 4:Tribe's Rule

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It was hard.
He went to the place where they are burning fire all year round 24 hours a day and there is a hot water for everyone. He went to get water there for five times and went to get river water to fix the water temperature.
He is so tired just cleaning this two men.
He find a wound at the back of the head and the other has dislocated bone. So he just follow what he saw before.

The other guy with minor injury but looks like he is dead is now breathing more relax. Maybe it was his deep prayer that makes them alright.

He also ask some children to make him leaves pillow to elevate their head while they sleep.
Since there's no such thing as fluffy pillow in this place.

"Spirit whisperer, is my dad alright?"

"They are breathing." He said plainly. Not even objecting the strange title.

"Oh...then they are alive now? When will they wake up?"

"I am not sure. Give them time."
He said but can only dodge the question.
'I just clean them. Don't expect too much.'

Sulaya keeps an eye of him.
He never leaves the cave.

Andy thinks it is possible that he is just looking if he is doing his best like a boss in a company.



"Yeah, Sulaya. You have difficulty? I...can massage your hips"
He is useless but he likes therapy massages.

The man stands up and walks to him.

He shrink in the cave wall like a bullied person.

"What is the massage thing? Will you clean me too?"


He is filthy too.
But maybe not as filthy as the others?
But his feet is filthy.

"Yes. I have to clean you too."

"I will take a bath in the river first."

"It's fine. Hot water is also good for you."
He smiles wryly.
'Besides, I want you to just stay at one place so to not agitate your pain.'

The man named Sulaya nods his head so he went out. He saw the children who are just walking around but they are not even playing.

"Hey, ah, get me hot water." His body is tired. He doesn't want to walk so far back and fort for water.
Yet...he knows that his moral for asking kids are just plummeling to the ground yet he still goes and asks.

The children hurriedly and went.
They are strong and came faster than if he go himself.

"Who are you wiping this time,spirit whisperer?" The little guy asks.

"Um...Go away." He said not caring for the children he just asks to get water.
It is not like he is bad. He just feel bad wiping the man's body in the full view of the children.

Sulaya hums after feeling the white soft towel touching his face.
This is a new towel.
He feels bad if he will use the towel that touches the two men's feet to this handsome face. So he went to get a new one.
After the face is the chest.
He can't help compare his and this guys.
He stops comparing after almost dying from self injury.

He went at the back to wipe and this marbled like and mud-like body is so good he can't believe it.

Then he gets the old one to use in his feet.
Their feet are very dirty. But it is still understandable. They don't wear anything under their feet.

He too is not wearing anything because his shoes are wet.

After that he is so tired again.

The man looks at him.

"What?" Andy asks.

"Why didn't you let me wipe myself? Is there a hidden meaning?"


Yes...This man is conscious!

"It-'s part of the ritual." He said and turn around gritting his teeth.

He have a massaging oil in his back pack. Also some herbal paste with strong smell.
He always carry them where ever he goes.


This man's body is so tough. He feels like a marshmallow trying to challenge a concrete wall. He really tried his best then he went to his hip and helps him relieve the pain.

After the massage he sighs.

"Did he fell asleep?" Not hearing a single word he looks at the man who has a closed eye.
He sighs.

"My arms are tired. I also want a massage." He said and went to his two patients with a fresh leaves as their pillow.

The other guy will wake up soon. This man who has a head injury....he is not sure. He saw head getting sewed before to close the head injury but let's not expect too much from him.
He is someone who will never attempt something like that.

He went out for a while and he wrang his soak wet clothes and hung them to dry.

He sees the giant dinosaur outside and the people chopping its body. He wants to vomit. Not because he felt pity but because he is scared.
He can't leave this tribe. He won't try to leave. Look at those giant monsters. He won't be stupid enough to attempt it.

The tribe's chief comes to him

"Since you will be part of the tribe. I want to tell you some rules you have to follow. Don't worry they are not that strict. First, foreigner like you who has white skin will not mate with our tribe. You can have intimacy with the men to not leave a trace. Next---"

"Wait. Wait. What?"

"Your skin is white. If you leave a trace of your lineage it will affect our prestige. If you want a wife. You have to find a wife somewhere else but I don't think they will also allow you."

" this being racist?"


"Urgh....No...Nothing." It's not like he wants to mate with this tribe! That is so offensive. He hates that first rule already.

"Okay. No killing inside the Tribe. If there is an argument you have to solve it with fighting."

He will die.
This tribe will kill him.



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