Cheat Ability?

432 35 7

The man with a head injury wakes up after 2 days.
Of course, within those days he is unconscious, the kind spirit whisperer feed him soup slowly inorder for him to have something in his stomach.
He wanted to feed him rice porridge but sadly that seems unavailable.
When he asks he was told that he can use meat but how can unconscious person eat meat?
Even he is not an expert to know that that will kill the unconscious man faster.
With great deal and patience.
The man wakes up.

The tribe is shock but Andy is the one who is most shock.

He even think he has a healing cheat as someone transported to another world(or time or space).

That raises his status in the tribe and the people who are hesitant to talk to him are now smiling when they see him.
He is their tribe's spirit whisperer.
For Andy, who has no deep understanding about science can see the dark future for this tribe.

Still, the problem is where he will live.
There is a large cave used by the abandoned or orphan children and adult. There are individual caves for the able and capable tribes men.
But where will the spirit whisperer lives?

The village chief is in dilemma.

They can't put the spirit whisperer to a household with a woman on it by fearing he will get someone pregnant.

That actually pisses Andy but he keeps his mouth shut.

"Live with me." Sulaya said after half a day of thinking.

Sulaya has the second largest cave next to the village chief. Because he is the strongest warrior.

Everyone feels delighted that Sulaya offers his place.
Not only will the spirit whisperer lives with a nice home, they can make sure that he will be protected since tribes favor and loves their spirit whisperer.

'For someone being love....Nobody wants to take me in.'
Andy sighs to his heart and smiles at Sulaya.
"Thank you."

Sulaya nods.
He doesn't have anything but his cross body bag.
He left his luggage in the other side of the island when that huge four legged dinosaur chase him.

Still he have atleast some food stash in his cross body bag.

Entering the cave is a strange experience to Andy.
Not becuase it's his first time,since he stay here in a cave checking those two 'corpse' but the strange feeling is for thinking....this is not a temporary tour but a place he will be living.

Of course, this is a world with out much decency.
There is no toilet here.
So they dug a pit near the tribe and shitting there. That is actually very sanitary already.
If they are shitting everywhere Andy will run to the dinosaur to be eaten.

"I will make a bed for you."
Sulaya said.

The so called bed is leaves tied with dino skin.
Andy sighs.

"I'll make it myself, don't worry."

There are simple system in the tribe.
There are three teams, the team that hunts for meat, the team that collects wild edible plants and the guard team that protects the village when the tough hunters are away.

Everyone should be doing their job and aside from the village chief, the spirit whisperer has no other job aside's from giving orders and doing the thinking.
The village chief expects alot from him since he knows that he came from a world advance to theirs.

That's just unnecessary reliance to him who barely know anything.

It is day time so Sulaya with the others will go out to find meat again.

He went out to collect leaves for his bed.
They do not ask him to work since he has a 'noble'job.
But he still wants to do something.

The kids are part of the collection team.
So they are also busy.
But the system is not that strict so they can play after collecting a thing or two.

The kids gather around him for the past days.

"Where are you going spirit Whisperer?"

They ask.

"Going to make my own bed." He said.

"We will collect leaves for you." They said.

He nods and let them.
He walks around the 'safe zone' and find a couple of bladdy cotton grass.
An idea came to him.
He starts picking the cotton part and collect them.
Then he went to make a grass ropes and tied huge leaves to make a blanket.
It is so crunchy that the leaves broke to halves so he angrily abandon it.
He really wants animal skin hide but it seems like the tribe is using it as currency.
He can't ask for them to give him their 'money' so he is thinking how he can make a bed that is not looking like some caterpillar and other bugs will crawl to him.

He went to the river and see some fish.
An idea came to him like making a grass net to catch fish but he didn't do it cause it will be forever to make.


Andy finds out he made the most stupid blunder in his life, more so following a stupid short cut sign, that is.....he walks out of the 'safe zone' while thinking about a bed.
Now he has to think about whether he will have the luxury to live by the night.

A small dinosaur is near him.
It looks like a lizard you normally called raptor in any dino film but its smaller.
You won't get scared of a lizard unless they are not stading in two legs and in the size of a toddler like this one.
And you will really wet yourself if he has so many sharp teeth and his mouth is drench with saliva.

Slowly the two legged dinosaur creeps to him.

Andy can't move because of fear.
His mind is going in to...kick and try if it'll die or run.

When the dino step another one.
The dino paused.
The world stilled.
The normal view turn into a red shade.

With a wee wee sound like a siren of an ambulance.

detected a meter away
from the host.

Host fighting strength is not insufficient for battle.


Andy is staring at the Yes/No button that has a red, yellow and green color flashing one after another and then to the large creature in front of him that a baby...

'What a cute bullsh*t'
He angrily press Yes.

And the next thing he knows he is in Sulaya's house.

"What the hell just happened?"

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