Part 15

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I wake up the next day with a pounding headache. How could I not have a headache after the night I've had. I dread to think of the mess left downstairs, I think I ended up going to sleep at around 2, some people did leave earlier than that, before their parents had a freak attack on a school night. I stumble up and can actually smell myself it's that bad. I poke my head around Missy's door to whisper to her. Aaron is lying beside her with one leg over the bedsheets he looks hilarious but I'm too hungover and tired to even laugh at him.
"Missy!" I whisper into the room. Nothing. Missy was always a deep sleeper but her after drinking? Don't even bother. I make my way into the room and shake her shoulder. "Missy come on!"
She releases a long groan and puts her hand to her head. Sure enough she wakes Aaron up with her whale noises but he's so out of it he just gives me a squinty look and turns over on his side.
"What do ya want?"
"We've got school!"
"No, nope no way, not happening"
"You were the one that told me we can't afford to take days off!"
"I don't care, one won't hurt, after last night half the bloody year won't be in"
She's right I can picture them all now arguing with their parents about taking the day off. Missy is right surely one day will be fine? Won't it?
I go back into my room with Haley still asleep.
"Haley are you going in?" I whisper. "Not a chance" she mumbles. Great so now none of us are.
After a long long long time of debating I decide I'll have to go. Then I can tell Miss Carter that Haley and Missy have caught a bug and they'll be no awkward questions.
I don't have time to have a shower so I have to lather on dedorant and spray and tie my hair up to hide the grease, not ideal at all.
I'm practically sprinting when I get in the school gates with only five minutes to spare before class I take out my phone and message Jordan. "Last night was amazing, you were amazing. Good luck with everything today xx" I attach the photograph I took of the two of us. I want him to have it too. So many thoughts are floundering about, is that the end for Jordan and I? Technically it can't be, it only feels like the beginning but then again was last night a way of saying goodbye, doing something meaningful for us both to be tied together forever? Jordan and I never really became "official" as they call it but I think we both knew we were even if it wasn't said out loud.
I try to put him out of my head but it's nearly impossible.
First class is English. We're still studying Romeo and Juliet and Ms. Keane is trying to get the roles dished out for the Christmas play. She's less than impressed when she notices there's at least three people absent not including Jordan but nevertheless she starts to hand out the roles.
"Missy booth- Juliet" she frowns when of course Missy is nowhere to be seen but I can't wait to tell her she has the main part! Missy was born to be on stage.
"Frederick O'Brien- Romeo" Frederic or Freddy as he was better known as was one of the main chaps on the rugby team, one of Cory's mates but he was the type of guy who could turn his hand at anything. He did have acne though so for Missy's sake I hope she didn't have to kiss him. Ms. Keane continues down through the roll, Nas gets a small part as Lady Montague, she had to come in too there was no way Kaneez would let her stay home and miss a day. She seems pretty content with her role. I make a mental note to ask her about Sam at break time she hasn't mentioned her in a while and they didn't seem close at the party last night.
"Alison Knightley- Nurse" The nurse!! I'm so happy, this part will take a lot for me as regards confidence but Juliets Nurse has to be one of my favourite characters so I'm overjoyed. Ms. Keane sees my happy face and nods at me. Something tells me I may not have gotten this part on merit maybe more so pity grounds but you know what they say you have to take what you're given and I'm going to smash it!
The morning drags on with extreme bore and my headache only gets worse and worse. I check my phone a couple of times to see did Jordan reply but nothing.. God does this boy just never check his phone?

At lunch time I run up to Nas at the canteen table.
"Looks like you were forced in then?"
"Oh don't talk to me I begged Mum but she wouldn't budge" she says glancing at Mrs. Paracha bitterly as she ushers to students in the line.
"What about you then why are you here?"
"Figured we'd get in more trouble with social if all three of us didn't show up" Nas smiles at me sympathetically.
" and Jordan"
"Well what's there to say" I say teasing her.
"Oh I may have been dragged home early last night but even I saw that little game you were playing"
"So..did you guys it" she says trying not to let out her excitement.
"We may have..."
"Shushhh, I don't want the whole canteen to know!" I said slapping her arm.
"Well you weren't worried about that last night"
"Oh hush you"
"So..what was it like..?"
"It was good, I liked it I think ,It was a bit.. I wouldn't say sore but uncomfortable at first but yeah all around..good"
"And Jordan..was well was..?"
"Come on spit it out!" I say not catching her drift. She pulls my head close to hers and whispers in my ear.
"Was it big?" She asks giggling.
"NASREEN!!" I say bursting into laughter.
"And why would that concern you" I say still wiping my eyes from laughter.
"Oh come on Al, I'm curious!!" Nas is really making me feel better I'm glad she's trying to keep my spirits up. "Well if you must know it was quite..well yes it was and that's all I'm saying!" We burst into laughter again.
"But how about you? Is Sam still-?" Nas looks around to make sure nobody is listening.
"We had a row" she tells me her face dropping.
"Oh no! I'm sorry Nas do you want to talk about it?"
"I know you don't like her you know"
"She's not my favourite person in the world but still I don't want the two of you to fall out when you seemed so...close" I say with a smirk.
"Yeah well maybe you were right about her"
"Did she do something?"
"I seen her at an England-first protest, all these banners and posters you know what it's like "there taking our jobs!" Nas looks devastated.
"You're not serious! Call me crazy but then she doesn't deserve you Nas, clearly she's stuck in the dark ages or something" Nas nods and agrees with me but I can tell it's not going to be that easy for her move on.
"We got them back though, threw eggs at them and got chased and everything!"
"No way!!, it's what they deserve I wished i had of been there".
"Well you were probably with Jordan!"
"I texted him this morning and sent him a picture from last night and everything but he still hasn't replied"
"I'm sure he's just busy with all the packing and you know what he's like- scatterbrained!"
She's right but at the same time I'm sure Jordan could have answered me by now, I hate how he sends such mixed messages like this.

I head back to class for the rest of the day, the teachers are going crazy with work these days for our mocks and it's definitely not ideal when you're life is already the craziest it's ever been. I manage to see Miss Carter in the halls and make up some bullshit excuse about Missy and Haley having a 24 hour bug thing, she seems to buy it though, she asks me into her office to have a chat about "everything that's going on" but frankly I can't think of anything worse and say I have to get home to study, when in reality I want to go home and cry my eyes out. Today was so boring without Jordan, I don't think I can stand shuffling in here for weeks on end without him. How can I? He made everything so much better. One look at his face could make me feel instantly okay.

Hey guys! Sorry this is such a filler chapter but I wanted to just fill in some details and set some things straight with other characters. I hope you're enjoying. Let me know if you think this is the end for Alison and Jordan?? Xxx

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