Part 24

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"Alison!, Alison, can I talk to you for a minute" Mrs Carter shouts at me while I'm walking down the corridor to lunch. Today has been a brilliant day, with all the play rehearsals and my leg is feeling much better even after all the excitement of last night! I turn around to meet Miss Carter she's wearing a black long tight skirt with a purple blouse, I wonder if she actually likes dressing like that or is it just because she's head teacher she can't come in, in booty shorts and a crop top. "Sorry Alison, I was just wondering if you'd like to come into my office for a chat?"
"Oh do you mind Miss, I want to get my homework done at break"
"Oh- of course! Of course good to see your focusing on your studies, I suppose I'll just make it quick" we move into the corridor out of the way of people and she gives me an optimistic smile, I have no idea what she wants to talk about but I hope it's nothing serious. "Well- I just wanted to check in and ask if Missy was okay, this is her second day off school and I just wanted to check in.." I don't know what Miss Carter thinks is the issue with Missy but I'm sure she's not even halfway prepared for the truth. I consider not telling her but in the split of the second I realise Missy is going to have to tell people sooner or later considering she's keeping it and Miss Carter might be a good person to turn to first. "Well the thing is Miss..Missy- well Missy has had some news over the past few days and-" I look at her face hesitating and she's looking at me quizzically "she's pregnant Miss" Miss Carter's face fell and she puts her hand to her forehead. I know how she feels, exactly how I feel and at least she doesn't have to try and pretend. "Alison I'm not saying this isn't a good thing it's just that-"
"No Miss, I feel the's just- it's such a shock" she looks at my sympathetically and nods her head.
"How does Missy feel about all this?"
"She's..happy I think, she was upset- very upset but then she came be honest Miss, I can't tell if she's trying to convince herself or the rest of us"
Miss Carter sighs and the lines in her forehead become even more pronounced "I'm presuming it's Aaron who's the father?" I'm surprised she remembers his name but then again Miss Carter is very on the ball. "Yeah".
"Right well, I'm going to have to contact Missy to talk this through, we as the school have a duty of care" she says matter of factly. "Miss?"
I ask,
"Please don't tell anyone else, I'm not sure if Missy has started telling anyone yet maybe only me and Haley and Nas"
"Of course not! This is a private matter Alison it won't go beyond least not for the moment" I know what she means if Missy does have the baby, chances are she's not going to be ignored. "Right then you go and get on with your lunch break- you know where to find me if you need anything Alison, anything at all" I smile at her gratefully, it sounds more cliche than I wish to admit but Miss Carter is truly the best principal ever, she is always there for her students and in this moment I feel like I have someone I can trust, someone I can go to in an emergency, she always does the right thing.
I toddle off to the canteen and see Nas at the table on her phone. Jordan has detention with Mr Qureshi- surprise surprise! "What's up" I say crashing down opposite her. "I presume Missy has told you then?"
"About keeping the baby...?"
"What else?! Why didn't you tell me?"
"Chill, chill I only found out last night! Completely sprung it on us in the living room acting all lovey dovey!"
"This is serious Ali! She can't have a baby, she just can't!"
"Ughhhh" I exclaim slamming my head on the table.
"I just told Miss Carter" I admit,
"You did what?"
"You heard me" I say rubbing my hands over my face.
"What did you go doing that for?"
"She asked me!"
"Oh what- she just came up to you and said- Hallo Alison just wondering is Miss up the duff?!"
"Keep your voice down" I hiss at her. "Up the duff..don't say it like that!"
"I know..I know I didn't mean it I'm just..angry, I'm angry..I don't understand how she could let this happen"
"Me neither" I say rubbing my temples.
"Jesus who died?" Corey says strutting past us, "Oh fuck off Corey" I say agitated, he looks at me with his hands in the air laughing. God that boy drives me insane sometimes. How can someone be so nice and kind and yet such a dickhead at the same time?
I desperately want to talk about something else, other than Missy, it seems to be controlling my life and I only found out two days ago. "So how's Sam?" I ask. Nas won't reach my eye making me immediately regret bringing it up.
"She's fine..."
"Wait so you guys are still a thing then??" I say shaking her arm.
"I thought you said she was a racist?"
"Well..she's not..her family well yes her family are but well I suppose you could say we..moved things on a bit"
"What do you mean?" Nas looks at me waiting for the penny to drop. "OH MY GOD!" I squeal. People do actually look over at me this time but I don't care I just give them all dirty looks while Nas looks both embarrassed and like she wants to fly over the moon. "You had sex!! You had sex?!"
Nas is laughing now and so am I, "shut up and..maybe!"
"I can't believe this! Lesbian sex..I drift off for a minute "come on what's it like then?"
Nas actually bursts out laughing at me this time, "You really have no filter you know that don't ya!" Personally I could never imagine having sex with Sam, I don't think I would even want to imagine it but I don't have any idea what lesbians but just when I'm about to find out the answers, someone throws a banana peel and it hits me in the side of the head. I turn around and some year 9 boys are sitting laughing as I pull it out of my hair disgusted..I'll teach them I think to myself. I pick up my soup from lunch march over to the little scumbags and slowly pour the luke warm soup all over the head of the nearest brown haired boy. The whole canteen erupts with laughter and "ooooohs".
"ISOLATION RIGHT NOW!" Mr Hyatt yells at me,
"But sir-!"
"No buts you can stay there for the rest of the day!" He says while pulling the year 9 out of the seat and handing him tissue paper. I curse myself, how unfair that guy threw a banana at me and he gets away with it! Nas looks at me and rolls her eyes. I grab my school bag "you're telling me everything later!" I say pointing at her and stroll out.
I pass Jordan in the gym with Mr Qureshi..why are they in the gym I ask myself..he sees me walk past and I stick my tongue out. He doesn't look in the best mood and just gives me a nod.
This boy, how bipolar can you be? It was just last night he was..well maybe I shouldn't get into that right now!

Hey! This was sort of a filler I hope you enjoyed it, please feel free to leave any kind of comment I love reading them all! Things are about to get a bit more serious for Alison in the next few chapters..are you ready for them?xx

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