Part 28

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Saturday morning. It seems I never get a lie in these days, I'm awoken by the noise out of the street and when I manage to pull myself up my hair is stuck to the side of my face and the leather of the couch has made marks all down my arms. I had a decent sleep for the couch that was in it, I spent ages mulling Jordan in my head. I pull up my phone and it's 9am Haley won't show her face for a while yet and I assume Missy is having one of those sleeps where you cry so much that you have the best sleep of your life, as for Aaron I don't want him to get up because it means he's going to get some news that..well might ruin everything. He was starting to get excited about the baby, even buying some of those little booties out of his work money.
I turn on the tv and leave Judge Judy humming in the background, while I scroll Instagram.
A dm comes in from Lara Kelly, what is she doing texting me? Lara was an old friend back in Manchester, well I say friend more like frenemy, I'm presuming she wants some of my notes for the mocks she was never the brightest but then again why is she asking me? I don't click on the message straight away I want to give the impression that I'm too busy to even care about her. Lara was the type of girl who would act nice but you had to be careful because she had a mouth, nothing you told her stayed secret for too long, believe me I learned the hard way. I mean she wasn't necessarily a bad person, she was certainly a lot less snobby than some of the other girls but I suppose the word I'm looking for is fake.
I hear Aaron coming down the stairs, I know it's him from the heavy footsteps.
"Morning" he mumbles rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Why is Missy in you're room?"
Shit, I desperately scramble looking for an excuse, "she was there when I came in last night, I presume she just fell asleep talking to Haley" I congratulate myself inwardly, nice and simple that's the key to a good lie. I know Aaron's going to find out sooner or later but it's not exactly my place to tell him so for now I'm going to have to play the game.
"How was last nigh" he asks seriously,
"Good..really good" we look up at each other and giggle, "say no more" he jokes.
"No! Nothing like that" I say going slightly red but he just raises his eyes, "hmmm".
"Cornflakes please"
He sets the bowl down on the table, we munch away happily for some time. "Is Missy okay?" Oh for god sakes Aaron stop putting me in this awkward position! "Why wouldn't she be?"
"Just not been herself recently I mean I know the baby and all but she's" I want to tell him so badly I'm practically sweating, it feels awful to have to lie straight to his face, "I think she's okay..I think she just might be having a bit of a hard time facing up to the whole thing".
"She's not the only one.."
"I thought you were delighted about the whole thing?"
"No, no I am and all it's just a shock innit, I mean it's not what I planned for myself
"Mmm yeah I get that" I'm almost happy to hear Aaron doesn't seem over the moon either, I know that sounds awful but at least it might make Missy breaking the news a little easier. "How's your mum?" I ask trying to change the tone of conversation so that I don't say something stupid. "Oh um good..I told her and dad about the baby, they weren't too pleased"
"Yeah, but I mean I don't care, they've made enough mistakes to be judging me"
"Now that I believe"
"Don't tell Missy that though she has enough on her plate"
"I won't".
Haley and Miss trod down the stairs together,
Aaron gets up and kisses the dishevelled looking Missy, "morning". I notice Haley trying to catch my eye, all the way through eating her jam and toast, suddenly I realise Missy probably told her the whole story before coming downstairs. Aaron is trying so hard to be kind to Missy, clearly he feels he's done something wrong. When eventually I can't take my guilt any longer, I motion to Haley to come and get dressed "hails and me might go into Razia and do some English study, give you two some aloneee time" I try to make myself sound as casual as possible and Missy nods to me gratefully.
Haley and I get ready quietly, and make our way outside. When we're safely out the gate, she turns to me, "do you know?"
"Yeah". I thought Haley would be more upset but she seems to be almost emotionless if possible, as she marches into next door.

"Ooohh very early for you ladies!" Mrs Paracha says at the door. "Do I smell kebabs?" I say ravenously. "I'm preparing dinner for later you'll be lucky to get one" she says laughing. "Where's Missy?" Nas asks from the couch. "Oh she's just having her breakfast"
Mrs Paracha frowns. She was less than pleased to hear the news about Missy, she acted supportive as always but Nas may or may not have let slip to me that she actually shed a tear behind closed doors. Haley looks at me wondering if we're allowed tell but I dismiss her. I'm not sure Nas's entire family and Nana are the right people to blurt this all out to right now.
Haley and Razia go upstairs to talk about Riz no doubt, him and Haley seem to be getting particularly close these days and if I wasn't with Jordan I think I might be jealous. The cat in the hat is on telly and I sit down beside Nas, I'm sure I must be allowed to tell her what's going on? I pull out my phone to give Jordan a quick text and the notification is still there from Lara, i sigh and tap into it.
"Hey Alison what was the name of that place you moved to? Xxx" I almost have to laugh, this girl hasn't spoken to me in months but suddenly this random question.
"Hi it's Ackley Bridge x" I click out and go to message Jordan, something about that Dm has just made me feel grateful for the fact that I'm away from all them now. I can't believe how unhappy I really was without noticing it.
"Hey sexy, I'm bored af should probs get some study done tho, how are you? Xx"
This is actually a pretty detailed text for me and Jordan normally we send about one word but after last night I'm still feeling well kind of horny towards him. HAHAH how embarrassing I can't believe I just admitted that to myself,
"What are you smirking at eh?" Mrs Paracha asks from the counter.
"Oh nothing, nothing"
"Ah I should have guessed Jordan" she says pointing her finger at me. "When am I going to meet this famous Jordan?" She wonders, frankly I couldn't think of anything worse but I just giggle "we'll see".
I start to get extremely bored and I'm kind of annoyed at Nas for not inviting me to go and have a chat somewhere that's not on her couch but she doesn't. I contemplate going upstairs to Haley and Razia when my phone lights up again.
It's Lara. "Oh I thought so! Well great news, my dads work has been transferred there so you should be seeing me around school this week! Cant wait to catch up xx". My heart drops, "great news" she says. If there's one thing I was happy about when my Mum relapsed was the fact I could get away from all them girls with a good excuse and now what?! They bloody follow me. I'm so disappointed..Lara won't know anyone in the school meaning she's going to hang around me. What if she tells people about what we used to get up to in Manchester? I mean there's nothing too severe but at the same time I've made a conscious effort to try and be better this year, a fresh start was what I called it..
"I think I'm going to go home and do some studying,"
"What about the kebabs? They won't be ready for another few hours"
"Oh, well when I'm done I might come in and get some"
"Okay dear, bye then"
"Bye Ali" Nas says with a smile. I smile back, even though I don't understand why she barely spoke to me. Ugh people these days and now not to mention, I have to go and bury my head in books for the next few hours and worry myself to death over Lara.
I hope Aaron and Missy have talked everything out I have no idea what kind of environment I'm going to walk into.

Hey! This was kind of a filler chapter I will admit sorry it was a bit boring but I'll be updating again tonight and it should be juicyyy. Also what do you think of new girl Lara making an appearance? Should be interesting. Hope your enjoying let me know xx

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