Part 33

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"How are you feeling now?" Missy says kindly.
"Cold" I answer, I'm shivering slightly as she mops up my face over the skin. Jordan followed us home even though I'm so embarrassed I feel too awful to focus on it. "Nice one" he says gently pulling my hair softly. "I can't help it" I say as jokingly as I can muster.
"Here go sit down, I'll put on some pizza or something you'll need food in you" Missy says starting up the oven.
I go to retch again, "no..I can't think of food" I say grabbing my mouth. Jordan sits down beside me rubbing my back, "I'll have some" he says turning to Missy, I turn and give him a dirty look "what?" He says defensively.
Haley and Razia run inside, "why are you two so happy?" Missy asks, "Riz asked Haley to come out!" Razia exclaims. "Shut up!" Haley yells, smacking her arm.
"Riz?" Missy says her voice high pitched,
"Ohhhh get you Haley!" I say from the couch. "Oi you! What are you encouraging her for?" Missy shouts at me, "I'm 15 Missy for Gods sake!" Haley says yelling up the stairs dragging Razia up the stairs with her. "Why does it bother you so much?" I question Missy, "yeah I mean Riz is minted you'd want to be getting right in there!" Jordan says laughing, Missy doesn't she just grabs the tea towel and slaps him across the head.
"HEY!" Jordan says holding his head.

I still feel sick getting into bed, Haley gets into bed beside me and I wearily whisper to her,
"Well how was it?"
"Amazing! Omg Ali you should see his house I've never seen one so big in real life He's even got a bloody swimming pool!"
"No way!" Maybe Jordan's right I wouldn't mind a swim every now and then if it was open to me! "Wait you went to his house?!" I say trying to pull myself up. "Yeah..! Don't tell Missy she'd only kick off...I don't know why she's actually so weird she didn't care when you and Jordan got together"
"Yeah..I don't really get it either but I suppose she feels protective of you"
Haley tuts loudly "yeah when it suits her"
"Come on know that's not true" I know Haley is just mouthing off but it's unfair of her to talk about Missy when she's been a Mum to Haley in the sense of the word. "I know..I don't get why she's actually so strange though!" She says crossing her arms. "Ali..?" She says but slowly drifting away. "Mmm"
"What's sex like?" She says boldly. My eyes shoot open like a rocket, "What?" I say loudly. She looks at me and giggles, "come on tell me I know you've done it!"
"It's...I smile lightly "it's nice"
"Is that it?"
Before I can answer my eyes have been glued closed and I'm away in my dreamland.

Missy shakes my shoulder "are you coming in?"
"Yeah..." I whisper back drowsily part of me would love to stay in bed but I really don't want to miss the after school play practice and plus I promised Lara I would help her catch up on some homework. I still don't particularly like her but I suppose I owe it to her she doesn't know anyone and she could be worse..
"ALI JORDANS AT THE DOOR!" Haley yells up the stairs to me as I grudgingly put my legs into some tights "LET HIM UP" I scream back. I quickly tie my hair back in a low pony realising some of the front parts and wincing when I hit against my helix piercing.
Jordan knocks on the door before walking in tiredly. "Feeling better?"
"A bit..I don't know why I was so sick even after all the running..?"
"Maybe your pregnant" he says calmly making himself comfortable, I flinch
"Not possible" I say waving my tampon around in the air before sticking it in my pocket.
"Did you eat something funny?"
"No just some sandwiches at lunch and loads of water before running" I say thinking back over my day. "Come on" I say pulling his hand, he groans keeping his eyes closed,
"I'm not bo-
I scream crazily as glass flys out onto Haley's bed, scaring me to the bone.
"AHHHHHHHGGGG" Jordan yells jumping up off the bed and pushing me into the wall. When we raise our heads up and see the shattered glass from the window laying glittering all over Haley's bed and the floor.
"WHAT THE HELL?" Haley yells from downstairs,
"Jordan..what was that?" I say holding onto him. He drags himself away from my arms, which I've only just realised have grasped around his torso in fear. He goes over to the window looking out, "there's nobody here..?" He says confused, just as Haley and Missy come running into the room, Jordan does running down the stairs.
"WHAT HAPPENED?" Missy says bursting in.
"We were just sitting there and next thing..the window just- it just-" I'm still in shock.
We all go running down the stairs after Jordan
"I swear to god those stupid boys on the estate! ILL KILL THEM! Missy rages,
We run to the side of the house from the alley,
"What kind of footballer could hit it that far?" Jordan questions, meanwhile Missy is scanning the alley for anyone suspicious.
"What's happened?" Nas, Razia and Saleem say making their way out to join us. "Someone's thrown something threw my bedroom window!" I say still reeling from shock but trying to make my hands stop shaking. "Oh my god!" Razia says looking around with the rest of us but it's no use whoever the culprit was has obviously legged it.
"What are we going to go now?!" I say exasperated, my weakness from yesterday starts to kick in again and I have to lean against the wall to hold myself up, everyone is so busy with the window I don't think they notice. "Well..we'll have to ring a fitter or something" this is why Missy is the one in charge I have never heard of a fitter in my life and it makes me realise how useless I really am, if left to my own devices I would probably try to stick the glass back together.
"But we've got no money!" I say stating the obvious,
"We're just going to have to use the last of Nanas left over savings.." Missy says biting her nails. "And I'm the meantime?! What If mice and rats get in? Or a person..and where will we sleep?"
"OH LEAVE IT WILL YOU!" Missy says shutting me up, I give her a pained look while the rest of them chat. "My dad could probably do it" Jordan perks up, "for half the price" he adds conveniently, I can't say I blame him most of Ackley Bridge is completely broke, you have to take money where you can find it.
"Well ring him and ask him!" Missy says,
"Missy?! Is that all you have to say how about a thank you?" I say stepping away from the wall and to Jordan's side.
"Thank you Jordan" Missy says obviously then turning "THERE!" She shouts at me "happy?"
"Very" I say menacingly. Jordan looks Missy to me.
"So can we go to school then?" Haley wonders.
"Yes..I think so anyway"
"What if someone climbs through the window!" I say, I don't want to have someone hiding under my bed especially when there's no one there to claim the accident.
"Ali! Don't be stupid it's one of those year 7 boys messing, and besides nobody could climb up that high without being spotted during the day!" I scowl at her. "Sorry we're not all smart like you Missy" I say mockingly.
I look down and realise I'm not wearing any shoes just my tights and my tie is completely undone. I run back inside to grab my shoes but stop at the stairs when I realise I don't want to walk up to my room. I don't feel safe..
Suddenly I feel arms slip tightly around my waist, "what do you need?" Jordan says whispering in my ear, I pull my hand up and stroke the side of his head, relaxing into his body behind me, "my shoes" I say closing my eyes.
"You're still sick huh?"
"I'm not too bad..I just feel weak" I admit.
He kisses me on my head fiercely, I want to stay standing with him for as long as possible.
"Will you stay with me today?" I sound needy and shy asking but I feel like I can't manage today without Jordan. I think I just need someone to lean on, I don't know what's wrong with me this week but i feel horribly emotional.
He lets go of me gently and runs upstairs, coming back down with my black school shoes. I sit on the stairs and pull them on.
"All set?" He says grabbing my hand.
"Yeah.." I say, the room slightly spinning as I walk out the door.

Hey! I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter but I hope you enjoyed, it is a little bit of a filler but there's loadsss planned and I just have to lead up to it! There will be plenty of Jordan in the next few chapters I promise xxx

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