Fine Line: Part 2

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A/N: Guys! Important authors note at the end of the chapter so until then: enjoy! But make sure to check it out!!

Tilly's POV

December 13th, 2019 


I lay on the grass outside in a brown turtleneck and dark green plaid trousers I've rolled up at the ankle. The laughter and carry on from inside warms my heart and I feel happy for Harry. The album was released just over three hours ago and already has over a million streams. My hair is crumby from the chardonnay that Mitch spray all over Harry and considering I was standing next to him; I was the unlucky associate of the chardonnay disaster. But I don't mind, not one bit. The sky is clear and the two stars right to the moon shine down brightly and I can't help but think of Dad and how proud he would be of Harry in this moment. He'd be drenched in chardonnay and would be devouring the cheese platter right next to Gemma and Mitch. The backdoor slides open and I tilt my head back to see Anne making her way over with a flannel shirt and I smile at her and look back to the stars.

"You look goofy when you do that." She says with a soft laugh as she sits beside me.

"I always look goofy." I smirk and rest my hands on my stomach and look to her. Her dark hair falls just over her shoulders as the moonlight contrasts against her face with the soft orange glow of the back porch light.

"No... But you used too... Remember when you got your braces off in tenth grade?" She says and I cover my face with my hands and groan.

"Don't remind me..."

"You wouldn't stop smiling and it made your Dad and I laugh so much... you'd greet everyone on the street with this giant, glowing smile." She says and I sit up next to her and she wraps the flannel shirt around my shoulders.

"Thank you." I smile, pulling the shirt into my chest.

"Don't mention it." Anne says.

"No, really, thank you. Thank you for all you've done." I say and she presses her lips to my cheek.

"Oh! I've left a lipstick stain!" She says as she licks her thumb and cleans my cheek of her lipstick and I laugh and push away at her hand and she smiles.

"You could say it's a strawberry lipstick state of mind, no?" I say sarcastically with a wink and she smiles. I look up to the star filled sky that twinkle and blink down at me.

"It's good to see you smiling and laughing again, Til." Anne says as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"That's what Harry said this morning... I didn't realise I was laughing so hard until he pointed it out." I shuffle on the ground and rest my head on top of Anne's as hers stays put on my shoulder.

"Well it's good to laugh... keeps the soul happy!" We sit in silence for a little while, looking at the lights below us on the coast and the sound of everyone inside screaming the lyrics to 'Golden' drowns out the ocean crashing its waves into the dark shore below.

"You don't think I'm being unfair, right?" I ask.

"To who? Harry? No, darling, I'm sure he's fine inside with-"

"I mean Dad... moving on... I feel like it all happened so fast. One moment I was walking around the garden with him and the next I was saying goodbye for good. I've tried to keep busy in order to maintain some kind of mental stability, but I feel like it's just... too fast."

Anne shakes her head as she lifts it from my shoulder and wraps her arm around me.

"No, Tilly, you haven't moved on too fast. He'll always be here, and we'll never forget how amazing your father was and still is. He lives on in our memory and he lives on in everything you do my darling... It's good to keep busy, I suppose if I sat in my kitchen all day thinking of him I'd lose my mind." She says and I take a deep breath.

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