Chapter 2 - The Stars

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Dr Tarnung was already at the controls, and I reached out to steady myself as we took off. This was so cool. There was a co-pilot seat next to him, so I aimed towards it, despite the craft rocking back and forth as my companion manoeuvred us away from the firing squad and out of the atmosphere.

"Do you know how to fly?" he asked.

"I've read some manuals and done some simulations, but never actually flown anything," I confessed. "I can probably do the basics with this," I added, looking at the flight controls.

"OK, take the main controls and aim us towards the dwarf star you can see there," he pointed. "I need to make sure nobody's following us."

"You want me to take control?" I quipped, figuring I may as well flirt since I'd be waking up soon anyway, sliding into the black leather chair. "Any time you like."

He got up and pulled on a lever while looking at a colourful display. The dream was already the most realistic and coolest dream I'd ever had, so it was probably asking too much for my brain to get him to flirt back with me.

I heard weapons fire as I pulled the main control stick so that we were facing in the direction he'd instructed me. I assumed he was trying to deter our pursuers from following us.

Dr Tarnung got back into the pilot seat, while Selenia grew smaller in the rear viewer as we pulled away from it. He brought up a scanner and sighed in relief.

"They're not following us for now, but we need to minimise our speed so they can't trace which direction we've gone in." He continued to fiddle with the controls, while I crossed one ankle over another and put my feet up on the dashboard. "If we go too fast, we'll leave an ion trail that they can use to figure out where we are."

I couldn't work out whether he was talking to me or to himself, so I didn't respond until he looked like he'd finished doing whatever he was doing and settled in a bit more.

"So, where are we going?" I asked him.

I was still riding an adrenaline high, and probably grinning insanely.

"Epsilon 4," he responded, taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly.

"What's on Epsilon 4?" I asked.

"Friends and safety," he replied cryptically, removing his lab coat.

"I guess you're not a real doctor, then," I speculated, gesturing towards the lab coat that was being discarded over the back of the pilot's chair. Dr Tarnung was left wearing a vest-top that clung in all the right places. He clearly worked out, but he wasn't overly muscular, and I found it difficult to stop my eyes wandering over his lean, well-toned body.

"Correct," he confirmed.

"So, your name isn't Dr Tarnung?" I asked, pointing to the badge on the discarded lab coat.

"What? Oh, I see. No, my name is Keleon," he smiled over at me. That dimple was back and I couldn't believe how much it affected me.

"I'm Damon," I responded robotically, still checking him out.

"I know," he responded, smile growing.

"Oh, yeah," I realised dumbly.

Of course he knew. I was far too distracted by his beauty to concentrate properly.

"I should send a message to my mother," I said, changing the subject. "Otherwise she'll try to visit me tomorrow."

"If we try to send a message, they'll intercept it and figure out where we are," replied Keleon. "I'm sorry, Damon. Too much time and effort has gone into getting you out of there. We can't risk them finding you. Your mother will understand."

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