Chapter 6 - The Friend

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Keleon pushed the button next to the door to release it, and it lifted for us to exit. He smiled again as we exited the craft and waved to a pretty lady, who was probably in her early twenties. The lady's dark ginger hair was loose and fell over her shoulders. Wearing a dark green T-shirt and brown leggings that looked like they had oil on them, she was walking towards the door of the craft.

"Mia," waved Keleon, and started moving towards her. 

I followed, assuming that was what I was supposed to be doing.

"Keleon," she said, waving back.

As they reached each other, they hugged for a few seconds. When they parted, Mia stood back slightly and examined him, from head to toe, including inspecting round the back of him.

"Wow," she said, as she came back round to the front of him again, still looking up and down. "I'm loving your new look!"

"Thanks," he responded with that cute dimpled smile.

Her comment made me wonder what he normally wore for her to be inclined to make that remark. I decided maybe I didn't want to know. He looked hot in the vest top and jeans; I should just be happy with that.

Mia's gaze wandered over to where I was standing. No doubt I was looking slightly awkward.

"You must be Damon," she said, reaching out her hand, which I took and shook firmly.

She seemed to be aware, as I now was, that Keleon was unlikely to make the introductions.

"Yeah, I guess you're Mia then," I replied.

"I am. Nice to meet you Damon. There is so much we need to talk about, but first I want to make sure you're comfortable," she said, gesturing for us to follow her. "We've set up a makeshift camp from some of the old storage rooms in the hanger. Basically, it's just blankets on the floor and a space we have for food, but we're not planning to be here too much longer anyway. Let me show you."

As we were following Mia across the hanger, I saw a familiar face coming toward our little group. I couldn't quite place it at first, because it was so out of context, but the jolly smile was hard to mistake.

"Aunt Helen!" I almost squealed as I ran into the embrace of the jolly fifty-something sister of my mother. I must have been about thirteen the last time I saw her, and her hair had silvered somewhat since then. We stayed like that for a good minute or so, until I let go. 

"I didn't know you were going to be here," I said.

Mia faced Keleon, but she was smiling.

"Keleon probably didn't see how it would be relevant."

Keleon shrugged.

"I fail to see what purpose it would have served. Damon was going to find out anyway."

My stomach did a little flip when he said my name. I liked hearing him say it a little bit too much.

I looked over and smiled at the quirky man who didn't understand why I might have wanted to know my aunt would be waiting for me.

"I think Mia was probably showing you where we're set up," said Helen. "So, I'm going to leave you to it for now. I have some things I need to do, so I'll catch up with you later. Ask Mia for some food too. It's so good to see you again Damon!" she finished enthusiastically, planting a big kiss on my cheek while she embraced me again. So typical of Helen.

"This way then," said Mia, leading us to a small door the East of the main hanger room. "Toilet, in case you need it," she said, opening the door slightly so we could see and then closing it again.

She then took us through a door to something that looked like a storage room. There was a pile of blankets piled neatly in the corner of the room that had various boxes and containers pushed up against walls. The window on the far wall had a screen that could be pulled across to block out the light from the sun if needed.

"We've put you in here, Damon, I hope that's OK. It means you have a bit of space to yourself if you want it, and somewhere to sleep." Mia gestured to the blankets. "It's pretty basic compared to what you're probably used to."

"It's perfect," I replied. "I'm just grateful to be out of there."

"I bet," she said. "Food is this way," she left the room and walked up a small corridor to another storage room.

As she opened the door, I saw boxes of the ration packs we had on the ship, but also boxes containing fresh produce. Mia nodded at the fresh food.

"These things grow on the island. We try to get some every day and top it up. I recommend these," she continued, holding up something thin and orange, around the size of a finger. "They're yummy!" She put it back in the box.

Mia was very likeable, and I felt comfortable around her already.

"I'll make sure I try one," I assured her.

"Please help yourself whenever you like. As for you," she said, turning to Keleon. "You probably want a room too. I reserved you one at the back so you can meditate with minimum noise if you need to."

We followed Mia back down the corridor, and off a little passageway to the side. The set-up in Keleon's room was similar to mine, with some blankets and storage boxes. They both went inside, while I hovered at the door.

"This OK for you?" she asked him.

He looked around.

"I've got everything I need, thank you Mia."

Then Keleon stepped closer to Mia. He put one of his hands on each of Mia's cheeks. He closed his eyes and kissed her lips tenderly, running his hands back so that they tangled in her hair. His mouth moved against hers gently, just like mine had against his when I first kissed him.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My stomach lurched and twisted so much that it felt like someone was trying to rip out my insides. The temperature seemed to increase a couple of degrees as fury started taking hold. I felt my bottom lip start to quiver and blinked back the tears that had started to form in my eyes.

I thought he'd said they were just friends?

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