Chapter 10 - The Lab Rat

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The next morning, Keleon and I were making our way to see my aunt, Helen.

The remainder of the previous evening had primarily been spent trying to think of alternative reasons for our mysterious floating incidents. We'd finally conceded to the likelihood that we wouldn't get an explanation without further investigation. We'd retired to our rooms with the intention of reflecting on it another time.

We knocked on Helen's door and she let us know we could come in with some excitement in her voice. She immediately swooped in for another hug and a kiss on the cheek. I noticed Keleon observing our interaction with interest.

"I'm so sorry I didn't get a chance to catch up with you yesterday," she said. "There were some things I really needed to take care of."

"No problem," I replied. "Mia and Keleon have been doing a great job of making sure I'm OK."

I shot a smile in Keleon's direction, which he returned.

"We're living on basics at the moment," Helen said. "But you're welcome to anything we have. It's been so long since I've seen you," she continued. "I can't believe how much you've changed, Damon. You're a man now."

"Yeah, it's been way too long," I replied. "What is it you're doing out here, anyway?"

"Sit down," she offered, pointing to her set of blankets. "There are things you need to know."

Helen went rummaging around in one of the bags that were at the side of the small room and pulled out a piece of paper.

"About three years ago, your mother met up with me, under the guise of a coffee and a chat," she said, handing the piece of paper to me. "It was all very pleasant conversation on the surface, but when she slipped me this piece of paper and put her finger to her lips, I knew people were listening to our conversation and that I needed to not ask questions."

I opened the tatty folded paper and read it out loud.

"'They've got Damon on Selenia. Get him out,'" I read. "Wow, that's quite extreme. Mind you, Mum never did like hospitals."

"With good reason, Damon," said Helen. "The outpost on Selenia isn't a hospital, or any kind of medical facility. It's a genetics research facility run by a group called Genetics In Action, or G.I.A. Their main purpose is to further the capabilities of the human race through genetic augmentation. Therefore, if one of their scouts finds someone with certain genetic markers, they investigate further."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Any number of reasons. Not all humanoid species are friendly, so perhaps there are those that think it would be to our advantage to weaponize advantageous genetic traits. Financial reward is also a powerful motivator. Some humans will pay healthy sums to become stronger or faster."

"And they're allowed to do this?" I asked incredulously.

"Well, 'allowed' is a hazy word. They operate under the pretext of a medical research facility, on the grounds that they're advancing the treatment of unusual medical conditions. But there are a lot of us who suspect that isn't their primary function. Legally, they shouldn't be detaining you unless it's on medical grounds and it's beneficial for you. We think we're now in a position to challenge them if they try again, but they are a powerful organisation and we needed you on the outside before we could do that."

"They told me I was there because I had a blood anomaly and it could affect my health," I said, with the slowly sinking feeling I'd been lied to.

"You do have a blood anomaly, but as far as we know, it isn't doing you any harm," explained Helen. "Your mother knew that if G.I.A. ever found out about your blood, they were likely to attempt to harvest it and research it. Which is why, as much as possible, she kept you out of hospitals."

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