Chapter 4 - The Kiss

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I tidied up my mess and slipped into the bathroom to get another chewable teeth-cleaning tablet, before I went back to the bedroom, where Keleon was sitting upright on the bed with his eyes closed. I couldn't even see him breathing, he was such a perfect statue.

"Am I interrupting?" I asked.

His eyes opened and looked at me, otherwise unmoving.

"Meditating," he said.

"Oh, I'll leave you to it," I said, wishing I hadn't said anything.

"I was finishing anyway," he said, his dimple appearing as a smile filled his features.

"So, you meditate a lot?" I asked, genuinely interested.

"As much as I can," he responded. "My family believe that we're guided by a higher purpose, and meditation helps us to find our path."

"Wow," I breathed, genuinely taken aback. "I didn't realise you were so spiritual."

He laughed his gentle laugh, swelling my heart.

"There are no spirits involved, Damon. Our guidance comes from within. We just need to make sure we're listening."

"To yourself?" I asked.

That seemed a bit deep.

"I guess you would probably call it something like, 'following your instincts,'" he clarified. "And I'm trying to ensure my 'instincts' are finely tuned."

"You're pretty amazing," I gushed.

I was finding him more attractive with every passing minute. He was weird as fuck, but somehow that made him even more intriguing.

"Thanks," he said, barely acknowledging the emotion in my voice. "Do you have any interest in me showing you a bit more about flying the ship?"

"Seriously?" I asked, jolting back to reality. I was excited at the idea of understanding more about flying, but also about who would be teaching me. "Yeah, I'd love that. Did your instincts tell you that?"

He laughed, which was adorable, and shrugged.

"I don't know."

I followed him to the cockpit where we took our usual seats.

"So, I'll run you through what everything does, and then we'll take it off autopilot and you can try?"

"Great, yeah."

"Right. But no thrusters, seriously, we can't have anyone following us."

"Understood, captain," I grinned at him.

He set about explaining the basics about what things did and how they worked. I listened intently to my favourite guy talking about my favourite subject. It didn't get much better than this.

Every now and again, when Keleon pointed to one of the displays, or when he explained how a lever worked, our hands would brush against each other. I'd feel the sensation travel through my whole body, but mainly as a tightening in my chest or a shiver up my spine. The feeling of him touching my hand would stay with me, even after his hand had moved on to other things. I didn't want to wash my hands ever again.

God, the way I felt about him was so crazy.

After a couple of hours, he let me loose flying. I couldn't do much because he didn't want to arouse suspicion, but I didn't know too much more than the basics anyway. It was nice to feel in control of the vehicle though. After I'd had my fill, I handed the controls back to Keleon.

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