C H A P T E R 18

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I screeched girly-like and crouched down to the small little puppy that was sitting behind the bars

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I screeched girly-like and crouched down to the small little puppy that was sitting behind the bars. It wagged its tail in excitement and licked my outstretched hand.

"Is it this one, Al?" Max asked for the hundredth time today. He wasn't very fond of all these puppies. He said they were way too energetic and were only jumping around and whining. And also a whole lot of work.

Yeah, that work thingy is right, but the good moments are the ones that overweigh the annoying ones, right?

"Miss, uh, I saw you walking around here for a while now and I wanted to ask if you might want to have a look at our, well let's say, difficult dog?" a woman in her 30s' asked, hope lacing her voice.

Difficult? What's that supposed to mean? I guess she saw the confusion on my face because she quickly explained what she meant.

"Well, the little one is one year old and he- . . he is a problematic case of us. He's very aggressive and just won't let us touch him. He's been trough some crappy things though. We found him on the streets with some bad bruises, but they almost completely healed already," the woman said all in one breath. I looked at her with a soft expression because of what I heard. Poor puppy. Who would ever be able to hurt a freakin puppy? With those beautiful doe big eyes and, awww . . . ok, sorry.

Anyway, I agreed immediately because even if the dog wasn't the right one for me I still wanted to see him once since I was very curious.

"And here he is."

After we turned some corners, we were now finally standing in front of another cage. The woman, who's nametag read Carina, pointed at a small dog curled up in one corner. He was white with some dark brown spots and his form was very thin but not in an unhealthy way. It guess it's a pointer, but I am not sure.

I cautiously approached the bars after I told Max and Leo to stay back, and crouched down to his level. His head shot up and he strutted towards me. His facial expression wasn't like all the other dogs'. It seemed more pain-filled. Ok, ok, I know that sounds like I've gone crazy. You can't read a dog's expression. But this was so different.

I felt like I could read him like an open book. His every move looked pained, which nearly broke my heart. What the hell has this little puppy went trough?

I stretched my hand out for him to pick up my scent and to get accustomed to me. He carefully and slowly raised his nose to my hand and sniffed.

He didn't seem aggressive or anything at all to me, so I opened his door and sat down next to him. He seemed to still be on guard but nevertheless he came over to me and sat down on my lab. I carefully put my hand on his fur and ran it through it; it was so soft and warm.

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