Hoarding Knowledge: Chapter Five

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Alden sat silently in his usual seat at his preferred café. The coffee before him steamed in the cool morning air, carrying its pleasant aroma on the light wind of the season. As the season changed, so, too, did Alden's status.

When he returned from the expedition, news of the chaos that occurred had already made its way back. The university staff was appalled at what became of the expedition. Twenty students perished, numerous others injured, and the damage to the university's reputation would leave a scar for ages to come.

Alden tried to plead with them to let him go back, but the administration had other plans. Alden was fired as a professor, his academic stance promised to be annihilated around the world should he try to teach elsewhere. The families of the students already had civil charges brewing up against him, though he was safe from anything criminal. Waivers for danger are a beautiful thing.

In spite of the absolute loss of his ability to continue his research in the immediate future,they did give him everything he had recovered from the ruins. The university wished to have nothing to do with the Mohrnighans, Alden, or any research regarding them. Everything was brought to Alden's modest home and dumped unceremoniously at his front door, as befitting of the greatest blight in the university's history.

Now, though, Alden had no job, little money, and no way to pursue the leads he had gotten from the artifacts and research he had acquired. His knuckles turned white from the frustrated grip he had on his metal coffee mug. Before long, if he couldn't accomplish something, he would be out on the streets, selling his prized collection of Mohrnighan artifacts just to live.

"Another coffee, sir?" his waiter asked.

"Yes, please," Alden said. He needed quite a bit of the stuff lately. "Stronger, this time."

"Coming right up."

As the waiter walked away, Alden stared into the brown drink sitting before him. About as murky as his future, but certainly of better taste, he let his mind go blank to calm himself. Whenever he let his thoughts roam, he couldn't help but find pessimism, more than typical, and hope began to fade. He was so close, he just had to find a way to finish what he started with this expedition...

"Hello," a voice chirped from his side. "Mind if I sit?"

"Who are you?" Alden asked without looking.

"A concerned citizen," the man said. "You look like you're down on your luck, professor. I'm always happy to lend a helping hand to those in need."

As Alden began to look up, the stranger sat down before him, legs crossed and a smile across his face. There was something odd about this fellow, but he couldn't quite place it, something behind his off-color green eyes. Something about him tickled the back of Alden's brain, but he simply couldn't place what it was.

"A helping hand," Alden scoffed. "How can a random stranger help me?"

"I've helped plenty of people with plenty of things," the stranger said. He raised his hands up, snapped his fingers on each, and pointed them up. "So, let's see what I can do for you." Alden grunted and took a sip from his coffee.

"I'll humor you."

"Great!" the stranger said. "Truth be told, I've known about you for some time, and I've always wanted to help you out. This moment, however, is the very first time you've seemed... ready to take a helping hand."

"Oh really?" Alden glowered. "Well, help me with this, then: I want to pursue my research unabated. No worries about interruption, about politics, about conflict or others getting in my way. I want a place to pursue knowledge, a staff that won't question me, and all the resources I need to find whatever I am looking for."

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