Flammability: Chapter Three

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Clare looked at the map again; they were close, so close she could practically hear the battle beginning. She had been leading her force through the mountains for two days, every man supporting himself on the way up and some helping others who struggled or did something wrong. And plenty had offered her assistance, some making it evident that she had struck their fancy.

"So what's the plan when we get there?"

Clare turned back to look at the man who was questioning her. He was a taller man, very bulky, strong, and bore the weight of several men on his own. He had taken a role as one of the sort of group leaders that had taken over smaller management while Clare led the way.

"We're going to demand that they let us in," Clare said. "I fear for what they may have waiting for us, but we almost definitely have the numbers. If they give us their collected knowledge, whatever they have built on for so long, it may be enough to save my boy. It might even change the world."

"That sounds rather promising."

"Indeed, it does," Clare said hopefully. "I need to save my boy. He's all I have..."

"We'll help you, whatever the cost," the man said sincerely. "They will pay for what they've done to him, what they've done to us all. If killing them is the only way to pay, then so be it."

"I thank you for your understanding," Clare said.

It was all a lie, of course, but the more Clare said it, the more she came to believe it. The monks were known for spiriting away young children to their lair for whatever purpose they used them for, however nefarious it could be. They couldn't be the best of people, why would they hide away if they were?

"But anyway, what is the plan?" the man asked again. "I can't imagine an order that's hidden away this long will welcome us with open arms."

"If they refuse, we fight our way in. This is a battle for our own protection."

"Do we know what awaits us?"

"It can't be more than the men we have here, that's for sure. We have over a thousand. We will take what we need by force if we have to."

"Hmmm..." the man said. "Not ideal, but if we have to, I suppose we have to. We'll need to make sure we're ready before we press into them."

"It shouldn't be much longer," Clare said. "According to the map, we're nearly there."

"Really?" the man said. He looked around at the pristine mountain landscape. "I confess I have never been in this exact spot, but I thought I knew this area from hunting trips. Are we really close?"

"Yes, as I said," Clare replied impatiently. "Get your men ready. We must be prepared to end this once and for all."

The man walked off to rally his group and shouted for other leaders to do the same. The time was nigh, a fight was coming, and the skies were gray. If this was to happen today, they would need to hustle and avoid traveling in the dark after nightfall.

A mere hour or so later, Clare finally came upon her goal, army in tow. Before her, a gate stood, alone in the wilderness, camouflaged with the mountainside and barely visible. It was no wonder the hunters had never found it. She knew not what lay on the other side, but she knew it would save her boy, and that gate would come crashing down by the end of the night.

She turned to her force and looked out over the array of armed men, torches and axes as their primary arms. They were ready for blood, for revenge. Eager for a fight. Clare wondered for a brief moment if this was right, but dismissed the thought. It was too late now. And no one on this mountain had ever helped her before anyhow.

"Now is the time!" she shouted. The crowd cheered.

As Clare turned around, she noticed movement atop the gate. A sentry had arrived to investigate the commotion and stared wide-eyed at the crowd. She stood completely still, overtaken by the shock of seeing a literal army at her doorstep. Clare stepped forward to indicate her leadership.

"We are here for repayment!" she shouted.

Without a word, the sentry leapt from her perch and landed on the ground before Clare with a roll, standing up just a few meters from her. She did not look anything like Clare expected; a dark, sleeveless, two-piece cloth outfit and cloth shoes, all thick enough to keep out the cold, save for the exposed arms. Well-defined arms, clearly strong and trained, and if the rest were like her, the coming battle may not go as planned.

"What has brought you here?" the sentry asked. "Only those who-"

"Only those who seek knowledge may come here, or some such blather, I know," Clare cut abruptly. The sentry narrowed her gaze at her. "I am here because I need aid for my son."

"Aid?" the sentry asked.

"Medical aid," Clare explained. "My son is dying. Only the knowledge you hold here can save him."

"I have never encountered this sort of issue before," the sentry said. "I must go back in and consult with-"

The sentry suddenly froze, eyes fixated on something to Clare's rear. Clare turned and saw none other than the stranger, standing in the front of the crowd with his perturbing smile, waving slowly at the sentry. He took a single step forward.

"Hello," he said. All the color went from the sentry's face. "You're a long time overdue. And I'm here to collect."

Before Clare could turn to the sentry, she was bounding up the sides of the gate and leapt over and to the other side. Clare could hear some kind of locking mechanism close on the other side of the massive gate, and a great deal of fearful screaming from the inhabitants within.

"I suppose there is no choice," Clare said.

The stranger tsk'ed a few times and walked up to the gate. "There was never any choice," he said gleefully. "Order your men forward." Clare turned to her army.

"BREAK THE GATE DOWN!" she ordered.

Her army bellowed its war cry and roared forth. Clare ran to the side to get out of the way as they rushed in, seemingly overtaking the stranger as he put his hand forward and flicked his finger. As the men slammed into the gate, whatever locking mechanism was on the other side failed instantly, and the battle was on.

Clare ran up and joined the rushing men to get inside. She knew there would be destruction, that whatever she needed could be destroyed in the battle, and she had to find it before that happened. She was no fighter, but as long as she stayed away from the combat, she could get what she needed and get out. That was her only concern. The rest of the order and anyone else could burn for all she cared.

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