Journey Into My Mind

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When Am lost, I wish to be found
This story is an expression of my mind,
full of words to say but no ears to hear.
It seems wrong that I always want people to see me winning
I focus too much on one thing that I forget the world is revolving.
Am stuck in my nursery wondering if I will ever graduate...
I hate to move on cause I don't want to start all over.
My memories are all I have, when they fade away It's game over.
I work just as hard as the next guy but Am the one always left behind.
Am In need of searching for something I need to find.
I am consumed with pride, I fail to be kind.
I think a lot, speak less, and love listening to thoughts of my fellow kind.
My mind is a realm of conflicting ideas, like two opposite directions.
I have conceived ideas that have become enemies.
I seem clean but Am filthy.
I await to become the real me..
I would like to be perfect, but Am not.
I want to be wise, but I can't..
I am who I am and that defines me..
I don't have to change much, hope you agree
For this was a little journey into the mind of me.

*I was trying to be a little creative. hope you loved it. Don't forget to vote for this story. Stay blessed.

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