Let's Clean It Up!

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Seated under the only tree in my land
watching the horizon as the sun sets asleep...
I can't help but wonder....
One day all this will be gone,
footprints in the sand washed away by the ocean's cry.
Vanity eh?..
As we await the second coming of our messiah we destroy all that was created by love..
Animals going into extinction....
Industries pollute the environment as if no one cares anymore.
The planet cries as it becomes uninhabitable by the second..
Too much carbon in circulation,do you feel that heat? I know I do.
Do you see the unanticipated weather patterns?....
Have we suddenly lost all senses such that we no longer hear the cries of the atmosphere as it breaths It's last due to this disease we have accommodated...
Everyone wants to be 'cool' and careless at everything..
Nowadays we seem to lose focus of what is really important,
shouldn't love and kindness be our primary goal in life ?....
But why then are we at war with one another?
You don't need to be religious to notice that the end may be nearer than we think....look around you..
Maybe Am right or maybe am wrong but the truth of the matter is that we will be truly screwed one way or the another if we don't change our lifestyle.
If ever there was need for Google .....it is now.
Use it and look up the effects of global warming..
Look at the images , read the research articles, and see if you will still be 'cool' and 'chilled' about it. Excuse my tone but am just saying..
This planet needs care Asap, play a part..
Let's fight to reduce environmental pollution, the toxication of the oceans, and other water bodies..
Let's put a price on the emission of carbon - which is affecting the atmosphere..
Recycle! mwebantu (people) please!
The same way we need favorable conditions to survive, the planet needs our active participation to survive..
If it dies we die. We have a little time to correct this damage before it becomes irreversible.
Forget about being 'cool' and careless there is no time for that.
We have had time to trash the planet, now is time to clean it up.

* Don't forget to vote for this story. Stay blessed.

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