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Unlike a fairytale, our story is real
Roses are red and that is just it
The beauty I once saw in you has turned into a terrifying beast
I guess we both threw away our love into the abyss

I wish you not death but sleep
one only I could undo because I can not stand you
Your drama is poison to me
I may die sooner than expected if you don't depart from me

You made me an enemy to many
An enemy to my friends and family
I wish you would lay down your long hair so that I could flee away from your tower of torment because to be away from you is all I want

When I "fell in love with you" I only considered the good in you but I didn't care to see the other in you
I don't know what I need to do
I feel like I am forever stuck with you
It is not love but commitment that is the glue
For I vowed to always be with you

I neither love nor cherish you
but I will be with you always
I will learn to endure your ways
I will even try to find the beauty that once attracted me to you
because I am stuck with you
for ever and ever and ever

We were both looking for love but it is clear that lust is all that transpired between us
We now have consequences to pay
Our lovely children shall know nothing of this
they are the only good to have ever come out of this terrible relationship
So let's agree to never sink this ship
Let it sail, my companion, please let it sail - that decision we made ages ago when we thought ourselves to be suitable for one another
For we are to blame and no other
This is our secret to keep forever please tell no other

*When I was writing this piece, I intended to tell a story of a married couple from the husband's perspective. The man happens to have fallen out of love with his wife and he is telling her his mind. He tells her that the only reason he hasn't left the marriage is because of his commitment to keep the one vow he made on their wedding and the children they have together. The husband goes on to tell his wife to keep their fight a secret. He tells her never to reveal the secret to anyone especially their children whom they happen to love so much.

*This poem is meant to convey a message and I hope I did a good job.Don't forget to vote for this story. Stay blessed.

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