Chapter 21 | "today's the day"

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"Hello students, and welcome to the day you've all been working for. Today's the day of your final sort."
Jihyun says, speaking to the students from the auditorium stage, her voice booming through the speakers. There were only around 75 students remaining, less than half making it to the final sort.

"You've made it this far because you've done well. You've proven that you are skilled, but only the most elite will make it past the final sort. Unlike the other sorts, there is no guaranteed number of survivors. Anyone that the council and the instructors deem weak will be swiftly eliminated." Jihyun says, sending shivers throughout the room. She scans the students, looking for some familiar faces but unable to find them right away.

"Remember that even if you do make it through the final sort, it doesn't mean you're guaranteed to survive and become a part of the mafia. After this comes your specialized training for those of you deemed worthy." She takes a deep breath.

"You've all worked incredibly hard, and I applaud your efforts." She smiles as she finally sees five familiar faces towards the back of the crowd. "Give it your very best today. I hope you survive this." She says, staring at the boys knowingly.

She sees them nervously smile and stare back. Jeno dipping his head towards her and Jaemin making a determined fist.

"Check your schedules and say goodbye to your friends...for now. You have 10 minutes to make it to your assigned room. Your teachers will give you instruction upon arrival." She looks at them, a small but genuine smile on her face.

"We will not be going easy on you, but don't lose faith. Never give up, stay focused, and give it your all today, good luck on behalf of myself and all of the members." With that she steps down from the podium as the students begin to move out, checking their assignments and giving each other nervous words of encouragement.

"So Jihyun, where do you want us today?" Johnny says, walking up to her with a smile.

"I'll take Mark with me to combat. Johnny, why don't you head over to the hacking unit. Jaehyun I'm sending you to the spies. Sicheng, medical. Doyoung...shooting and Taeyong weapons with Stray Kids." They all nod at one another before turning and heading on their way, Mark and Jihyun walking side by side.

"Are you ready Ji?" Mark asks, an excited smile on his face as he practically bounces from side to side.

"Yeah, this is going to be interesting, Ateez did not go easy on them with this one. Twice is going to be fixing up a lot of bloody kids today, I think." She says, staring off into space as they continue to walk.

"Are you worried about them? Your boys?"

"Yes and no. Yes because at the end of the day, if they make mistakes they'll be killed, and it would suck to lose my friends. But no both because I know they're ready, but also because if they don't pass, it's better for the sake of the gang." She finishes, trying to sound indifferent. Mark doesn't seem to pick up on her nervousness and nods along in agreement.

"Ok I should probably get intimidating now, we're almost there." He says, putting on a serious face and reaching for his tablet. "Shit. I left my tablet in my office, I'm going to go grab it, I'll be right back." He says, taking off in a sprint back down the hallway.

She sighs to herself, continuing down the hallway before running into some familiar faces. They bow to her, trying not to raise any sort of suspicion.

"Hey guys. Feeling alright?" They nod back, their nerves obvious.

"Nervous for sure, but hopefully we'll be okay." Chenle says with a smile.

"You guys will be fine, just stay focused and do your best." She says with a smile.

"Any last minute tips on these finals?" Jaemin asks hopefully.

"Sorry guys, no can do. The second I step into that exam room, I'm not your friend anymore. I'm your evaluator and the leader of NCT." They lower their heads, nodding. They bow at her and step to the side, giving her room to pass.

"But" she whispers as she glided past them, "I'm not in the room yet, so good luck. I expect to see you guys at practice after school tomorrow." She says with a wink, causing all of them to laugh. She turns around to face them.

"I can't guarantee it, but I know you guys are ready. Good luck!" She says with an excited whisper. They begin to turn around and walk away.

"Oh, one last thing!" She says as they turn back to face her. "I hope you guys like your exam schedules." She smirks before turning to walk into the room.

She had the authority to finalize all schedules and assignments, meaning she had to ok the order in which students take their exams. She may or may not have manipulated theirs just a bit.

She put the exams and non-physical skills first, including the medical exam, hacking, and spy simulation, so that they would be the most awake, alert, and focused. And also to give them a chance to calm down and warm up a bit. She put their physical skills later so that they could refuel, ending with each of their best physical skill to try and give them a leg up as their strength and focus would be weakening.

After hearing her words, they all quickly open up their schedules, staring at them for a moment. Soon it clicks with them and they start smiling, a new energy about them as they split for their exams.

- - -

The first half of the exams finish, and Jihyun is not impressed. Fighting 3 members of Ateez is tough but no student has been able to beat more than one of them so far, most leaving quite bloodied up.

As each student fell to the end of the mat, either Jihyun or Mark would grab them by their collar, throwing them back into the fight until they were forced to yield.

"I guess Ateez's exam was pretty tough, huh." Mark mumbles out to her, the two of them heading back to their break room as the students head to lunch.

"I didn't think it was that hard, it's certainly doable." She replies, flipping through her notes on her tablet. So far she's only passed 1 student.

"Well no ones been able to do it yet... maybe the next half will be better." He says with a sigh.

"I certainly hope so...."

I just might have to double update...again. I really wanna get to some of the action so y'all are in for a treat!
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