Chapter 68 | "left behind"

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Loud banging on the door woke the pair the following day. Jihyun was covered in her own dried blood, dark marks and hand prints all over her body. She quickly sat up, wincing as she felt the pain shoot through her muscles.

Jaemin sat up as well, taking a moment to process where they were before looking down at the girl in his arms. His heart broke at the sight of her, her cries resonating in his head.

There was more banging at the door, the two of them turning their heads to face it. Jaemin protectively wrapped his arms around Jihyun, who was still wearing his clothes from the night before.

The door busted down and light flooded the dark room, temporarily blinding the two of them as they heard the footsteps of people running in.

"Guys! Hurry!" Jihyun blinked rapidly, trying to adjust her vision. "Stand up, quick!"

She heard a familiar voice as her eyes finally focused in on the others in the room.

"Sungchan" she breathed out, relief washing through her body as she stared at the tall boy. She looked around to see some of her other members, Yuta and Xiaojun helping Jaemin stand while Donghyuck ran over and quickly broke her restraints.

"Come on, let's go before someone gets hurt." Sungchan urged, gently helping her to her feet. She winced as she put pressure on her leg, the stab wound on her thigh slowly beginning to bleed again.

Donghyuck noticed her pain, bending down and letting her wrap her arm around his neck, supporting some her her weight as they quickly left the room followed by Yuta, Xiaojun, and Jaemin.

"Jihyun! Jaemin!" She saw Taeyong standing in the hallway with his gun raised. "Thank god we got you guys, we need to go."

They started to run, or in her case, speed limp, down the hallway. Her muscles screamed at her to stop but she forced herself to continue, pushing away the pain as she heard the faint sound of gunshots in the distance.

They tore through the building, running through the front door, which was totally broken now, and towards the black van that was waiting in the front. The door slid open to reveal Jaehyun, Mark, Sicheng and Shotaro waiting there.

"Oh my god what happened to you?" Mark breathed out, letting her take his seat as Shotaro quickly began to wrap up the stab wound on her thigh, stopping the bleeding.

"I'd rather not talk about it." She mumbled out, hissing slightly as Shotaro tightened the bandage around her thigh, letting out a breath of relief as the pain slightly subsided. Taking note of her attire, Jaehyun pulled off his hoodie, handing it to her with a pair of leggings they had brought along.

She grabbed the leggings, removing Jaemin's jacket once she had slipped them on and throwing the black hoodie on as well.

"Are those Jaemin's clothes? Why are you wearing Jaemin's clothes? And what happened to your dress?" Sicheng asked, seeing the tattered remains of red fabric falling to the ground in scraps.

She didn't answer, screwing her eyes shut at the memory and facing away from the others. When she opened her eyes, she saw Taeyong staring at her. His eyes filled with dread as soon as he met her gaze.

"I'm going to kill them." he whispered out, clutching onto his gun so tight that his knuckles turned white.

"Are we ready to go?" Hendery called from the drivers seat, turning to look at them.

"Wait, where's Jaemin?" She asked, looking around for the blonde-haired boy.

"Yuta and Xiaojun were supposed to get him." Taeyong says, hopping out of the car and looking around.

"Taeyong! Yuta's hit!" They hear Xiaojun call as he stumbled through the entrance, Yuta weakly clutching onto him.

"Get him in the car." They make room inside the van, Shotaro instantly getting to work.

"They shot him." Xiaojun panted out, fear written all over his face.

"Taeyong!" They all turn to face Shotaro. "It's bad, he's hit in multiple places and he's losing a lot of blood. We need to get him home right now." He speaks with an urgency and an authority that has all of the members scrambling.

"Wait!" Mark calls out, "where's Jaemin?"

"They-they grabbed him." Xiaojun stutters out, staring at the ground. "I caught Yuta when they hit him, and some of them grabbed Jaemin."

"What?" Jihyun exclaimed, standing up. "He's still in there?" Xiaojun nodded.

She hopped out of the car, wincing slightly at the impact but forcing herself to ignore it.

"We have to go get him."

"Jihyun. Yuta is going to die if we don't get him home right now!" She stares at the older Japanese boy, pain etched onto his face. She feels a pain in her heart, nodding her head and taking a deep breath.

"Jae, toss me your gun." He pulls his gun out of his holster and throws it to her. "Take Yuta home, I'm going to get Jaemin." She says, disengaging the safety and turning back towards the building.

"Ji, no. You're in no state to be fighting right now and we can't risk losing you."

"If I don't go, were going to lose him! I'm not leaving him here. No one gets left behind." She says, rooting herself to the ground.

"Ji please we-"

"Taeyong. Yuta is going to die if we don't move and I'm not going to just abandon Jaemin. Take Yuta home fast, and come back for me later, I'll be fine. That's an order." She says firmly.

Taeyong opens his mouth to respond but is interrupted by a groan from Yuta.

"Please be careful, we'll be back soon." He lets out a breath before regretfully closing the door to the van. She watches as they drive away, turning back to face the house.

"So what's the plan?" She jumps at the sound of a voice next to her, turning to see Sungchan standing there with a small smile.

"What are you doing here? You should've gone with the others, it's too dangerous!"

"What, you really think we'd leave you here all alone?" She turns around to see Mark, Donghyuck, and Sicheng standing behind her, guns in hands.

"No one gets left behind, remember?" She smiles at the boys, taking a deep breath.

"Alright, let's go then."

Double update because that last chapter was intense and I didn't want to leave it at that.

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