Chapter 28 | "meet the newbie"

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After their little adventure together, things return to normal at the school. Students adjust to their new schedules and fall into a routine and another pool of trainers begins their time at the academy.

For the first few days, Jihyun and Jeno continue to join the guys for lunch, the whole school taking note of the new clique. Soon, though, the boys start to see less and less of the pair.

Jaemin is walking through the hallway, heading to lunch. It's been about 2 weeks since the arcade trip, and nearly a week since he last hung out with Jihyun or Jeno. He rounds the corner when he sees a familiar leather jacket rushing away.

"Jeno!" He calls out, jogging towards him. The other boy stops in his tracks, turning at the sound of his name.

"Where are you going? The cafeteria is this way!" Jaemin says, trying to drag Jeno with him.

"Oh, sorry, I'm not going to be there today..." he says, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"We haven't seen you in almost a week, where are you even going?" Jaemin asks in frustration, "I know we all have the same lunch and free periods but you're never there. I know you still sleep in your dorm but none of us ever see you in the morning or evening. What's going on?"

"Oh...yeah I still sleep in my room and we have the same frees but uh, I usually spend them training. I'm working out or practicing all the time now." He says quietly.

"Well, just ask Jihyun for a break, she's really understanding and if you just tell her that it's too much and you want to do other things then-"

"No, Jaemin, that's not it at all, um, I actually enjoy it. A lot. Jihyun tells me all the time that I'm only required to train during our scheduled time but I like it." Jeno trails off, a small smile on his face.

"Isn't it lonely though?"

"Oh not at all, I'm always with Jihyun. Whenever I want to train, she just told me to text her to let her know and she just started showing up every time. We've kinda fallen into a routine..." he says, a slight blush on his face.

" you're with her a lot then. That's also why we don't see her in the cafe anymore..." Jaemin says sadly, a hint of jealousy in his tone.

Jeno nods awkwardly, shifting his weight from side to side. A glint on Jeno's waist catches Jaemin's eye. As he looks closer, he sees a harness with a gun and two knives in it.

"You're allowed to carry weapons?" Jaemin asks in disbelief.

"Oh" Jeno gasps, his hands instinctively touching his gun and knives as he looks down. "Well I'm basically always in the Ace Center, so Jihyun lets me keep them with me."

"Oh that's cool...I didn't know she gave you her weapons." Jaemin says, the jealousy evident now.

Jeno senses Jaemin's tone and scoffs to himself, beginning to feel defensive. He's not jealous of Jaemin in the slightest more frustrated. Jaemin's jealousy triggered a possessive side of him that he didn't know existed.

"Yeah well these arent her's. She custom fit me for them last week, so they're mine." Jeno says proudly, a smirk on his face.

"Well, isn't that nice for you." Jaemin seethes out through clenched teeth.

"Hmm" Jeno hums in response, "I should get going, Jihyun will probably be looking for m-"

"Jeno?" He hears his name being called from the opposite hallway. He turns with a smile towards the voice, Jaemin following his action.

"Jeno! There you are, I thought you were ditching me." Jihyun walks up to them laughing. She comes to stand next to Jeno, smiling at him before noticing Jaemin.

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