Cold, Hard Bitch

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Cold, hard bitch

Just a kiss on the lips, and I was on my knees

I’m waiting, give me

Cold, hard bitch

She was shaking her hips, and that was I need

I’m waiting, give me

Jet – Cold, Hard Bitch


For some reason that Geviana and her friends could never understand, the more she was upset, the easier it was for her to act like she wasn’t. The momentary pain and shock that flickered through her eyes was immediately wiped clean. Her heart was beating painfully fast, she could feel her legs wanting to shake, and she had to continually gulp and swallow to keep any possible tears from coming to the surface. None of her turmoil showed on the outside.

Her eyes were strangely blank, but she forced her mouth into a small smile. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

Her voice was oddly small, but it showed no sign of wavering. Quickly, Christopher spoke up, “She’s the new interior decorator. People have been telling us for ages that the building needed to be remodeled, and Alex hired her company to do it. I hear she’s the best interior decorator in the city.”

“She is,” Lariza agreed. Unlike her former best friend, Lariza wasn’t so adept at hiding her emotions. She looked visibly shaken, but like Geviana, she had a weak smile on her face.

“How have you been?” Lariza asked softly, her eyes lowered. Geviana watched her former best friend closely for any signs of fakeness, but could not find any. That was what was great about Lariza, she was too busy living her life to the fullest to be fake.

“Great, I’m going to be made a partner at Chrysanthemum after I finish remodeling the Ridgel Towers. It’s going to be a lot of work, but it will be worth it.” Geviana gave an easy laugh, instantly placing the defensive couple at ease. Sometimes, Geviana surprised herself with how good of an actress she was. Christopher, himself, couldn’t believe how naturally she was acting. If it were him, he would have torn Kyle and Lariza in half and brought them to tears.

“That’s good to hear, it’s what you always wanted,” Kyle spoke up sincerely.

Once again, Geviana mustered up another weak smile. After all that had happened, she should hate them. They made it so goddamned hard to hate them sometimes. She wanted to hate them and make their lives miserable. But how could she when they were looking at her like they expected her to tear them to bits at any second?

An awkward silence ensued, and this time, Geviana did nothing to break the awkward tension. If she opened her mouth, she was sure that she would let loose the curses and insults that were dying to be let out. If that happened, it would only be Geviana who would be crying and hysterical in the end, anyway.

“Maybe we should reschedule lunch for another time,” Lariza said softly, looking up at Kyle. The look of love that was so evident in their eyes made Geviana want to scream.

Kyle gave a quick nod of his head. He leaned his head in slightly as if to give her a kiss, but pulled back abruptly at the last minute. He gave an uneasy glance at Geviana, and instead gave Lariza’s hand a gentle squeeze.

Kyle is so stupidly dense, sometimes. Christopher thought angrily, nothing the uncomfortable glance his brother gave Geviana. They were behaving like they expected Geviana to take out a shotgun and gun them down at any moment. Jump and shaky.

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