Say It Right

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In the day

In the night

Say it right

Say it all

You either got it

Or you don’t

You either stand or you fall

When you will is broken

When it slips from your hand

When there’s no time for joking

There’s a hole in the pain

Oh you don’t mean nothing at all to me

No you don’t mean nothing at all to me

But you got what it takes to set me free

Oh you could mean everything to me

Nelly Furtado – Say It Right


Ashley felt like a cornered kitten as she glanced frantically about the bathroom. It was all white, from the marble on the floor to the pristine white walls and the porcelain countertop and tub. It surprisingly oozed comfort for such a bachelor.

Ashley glanced in the mirror. Her heart was thundering in her chest, her breathing heavy, and she almost burst into tears instantaneously. Her eyeshadow and liner that Geviana had artfully done yesterday was smeared around her frightened blue eyes, her lip gloss was all over the place, and her hair was a mess. In short, she looked like a whore after she had done her job. What was worse, she felt like one, too.

Ashley shut her eyes tight, the burning sensation of tears coming up in her. What had she done?

Frantically, she splashed water on her face, ignoring the painful hammering in her head as she scrubbed her face clean until it was red and raw. Afterwards, with globules of water still running down her face, she sunk to the ground. She didn’t know what to do or who to call. All of her college friends wouldn’t be any help, most of them were virgins and had never been in this situation. Not to mention the complete and utter humiliation she would fell at telling them what she’d done. Scrolling through her address book with shaky fingers, she know there was only one person that could help.

Please, pick up, I need you. Ashley thought desperately as she rummaged around blindly in one of Alex’s cupboards for some aspirin to ease the headache that was pounding at her temples.


“I need to talk to you, please. Alex and I, we…oh, God –” Her tears and choking sobs cut off the rest of her sentence and were magnified through the receiver. She couldn’t be strong anymore. The massive hangover and the vaguely haunting images of what had happened last night gnawed at her, eating her away piece by piece.

“What happened?” Geviana’s voice sounded more alert, and Ashley flinched, knowing that Geviana already knew.

“We…had s-sex,” Ashley whispered as feelings of emptiness washed over her.


Alex awoke with a smile upon his sleepy face. He yawned, barely opening his eyes and rolling over onto what he thought was Ashley, but was really only an empty and cold sleeping space.

“Ashley?” Alex said groggily to the air.

No reply. Alex cracked one of his clear blue eyes open to see absolutely nothing in the bed next to him, only the wrinkled softness of his bed sheets and hint of her perfume that lingered.

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