Chapter 1: The aftermath

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A/N - I advise you to read Dance For Me before reading this as this is the sequel to it and nothing will make sense if you haven't read it.

A/N - I wanted to give you guys a heads up. There will be some scenes in this book that involve characters from my book 'Stolen to be his Princess'. It will contain spoilers if you haven't yet read that one. It's not connected to this book, it's just that if you plan on reading the other book in the future, this story contains spoilers of that book. Hope that makes sense.


"Yesterday fire fighters tackled a major fire at the WestWood Estate owned by the infamous businessman Oscar Hendricks. Officials are yet to confirm whether it was an arson attack or an accident. The fire was eventually put out, but it left the once large home in ruins. Multiple bodies have been found, but none have yet been identified due to the severity of the fire. Police are conducting a search for Oscar and his 8 year old daughter who have not been seen since"-

Switching the TV off abruptly, I shakily placed the remote control down beside me and rested my hand on my stomach hoping my baby would bring me some peace.

It had only been a day since everything happened, but I felt like it had been years since I had seen Oscar or heard from him. The doctors said he was due to wake up, but I lost him. And I didn't even know if he had made it.

I had to go. I had to go to our burned home and investigate on my own. I refused to believe he was dead until I saw it for myself.


Rubbing the tears from off my cheeks, I looked up at Brian who was smiling sadly at me with as he carried a tray towards me.

"You need to eat. Don't hurt yourself this way".

Looking back at the black screen of the TV, I shook my head.

If I took a single bite, it would come back up.

Brian placed the food down on the floor before sitting down next to me on the large sofa. He rested his hand on top of mine and urged me to look at him.

"Eleanor, think of the baby".

"I am. All I think about is my baby. I think about how my baby will never meet their dad. I'm a single mother to 2 children. How am I supposed to cope without him. I need him. I want him".

Covering the tears that poured down my face, I sobbed into my hands. My body shook and trembled at the thought of being alone in the mafia world with 2 innocent children.

Brian gripped my shoulders and pulled me down so he rested my head on his shoulder.

"Firstly, you are the strongest woman I have ever met. You have coped with things not even some of the toughest men could. Secondly Oscar made me promise to take care of you if something ever happened to him. You, Sofia and the little one will be protected for the rest of your lives. You will be financially secure and if it is what you want, you can leave the mafia life. Even though it pains me, I will step up and take the burden off you if that's what you want".

Pulling myself away from out of Brian's grip, I looked at him and frowned.

As much as the idea frightened me, I had come too far to back out. I killed my demons and I was not going to resort back to being a timid little mouse. I was carrying Oscar's flesh and blood inside of me. I was also now Sofia's mum. Even if the man I loved more than anything was gone, I was not going anywhere.

"That won't be necessary Brian. I won't be stepping down. I'm going to find out what happened to Oscar and then I will tear this world apart brick by brick and destroy the person who took my man away from me. As long as you stay beside me and guide me, then I will be fine".

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