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Last night was a mistake and Areum knew it. She knew how messed up it was and yet she did it anyway. Was it selfish of her? Did she take advantage of him?

Either way, she felt awful. Like her heart was just going to combust at any moment from how heavy her feelings were weighing down on her.

She rolled over in bed to see Yoongi still asleep next to her. They were both in their underwear. Yoongi had been spooning Areum all night, and she wasn't going to lie to herself. She liked it.

She watched Yoongi's peaceful and soft face breath in and out as he slept. He was so gorgeous, why was she only just noticing this now?

She wasn't going to lie, she did have second thoughts about her plan for today. She did genuinely consider going along with Yoongi and his plan. It would be so much easier. No heart break, for either of them. They really could just start a whole new life together.

But she couldn't do that. Kang dae deserves better than to have his killer walking free. And Areum couldn't lead Yoongi on like this. It was wrong. He needed to grow out of this fantasy he had gotten himself into. He needed to grow up and become the Min Yoongi he was supposed to be.

Yoongi's eyes fluttered open and he smiled softly stretching "you watching me sleep?" He smiled with sleepy amusement "now who's the stalker?" he chuckled pulling Areum's waist closer to him and wrapping his arms around her.

He kissed the top of her head "good morning beautiful" he said gently stroking her back

"Morning yoongs" she whispered looking up at him through her eyelashes. She just wanted this moment to last forever. They were both at peace. Laying together embracing each other as the morning light tip toed in through their window to greet them. It was perfect.

Yoongi rolled out of bed and stretched as he walked off to the bathroom.

It was time. They were scheduled to leave for the airport soon. But Areum wasn't going to be leaving with him.

Areum slowly stood up and grabbed the empty Champaign bottle that Yoongi had left so carelessly by their bed the other night. He had become so comfortable around her he forgot that he was still keeping her as a prisoner.

Areum walked over and stood at the wall beside the bathroom door and breathed in and out a few times. You can do this Areum. You have no other choice after all. It's not like you are actually going to go with him, she thought to herself.

She took another breath before shouting "AHHH YOONGI QUICK YOU GOTTA GET OUT HERE!"

She heard Yoongi quickly grab the door handle and throw the door open darting out to see what had happened. He froze in confusion when he didn't see Areum in the bed anymore. He thought for a second she was playing a prank on him.

"I'm sorry Yoongi" she muttered quickly before smashing the bottle against the back of his head causing him to fall forward and pass out.

Areum quickly removed any pieces of broken glass and wrapped his now bleeding head in a bandage, she prayed to god that she hadn't seriously injured him. She dragged his unconscious body up onto the bed. It was a real struggle but she managed. She quickly took the key to the door out of his jeans pocket and rushed downstairs. She found the rope he had used to tie her to the bed originally and rushed back upstairs.

She tied his hands with some cloth first and then the rope just as he had done for her. She tied the rope around the bed posts also causing him to lay in a star shaped position. "I'm so sorry Yoongi" she sobbed as she tighten the ties. "You can't go to Japan. In life you can't just run away from your problems. You have to face them" she looked at his unconscious face "no matter how hard that is"

She quickly got changed into something other than pyjamas for the first time in a week.

She grabbed the car keys from downstairs and was ready to go. She just wanted to say goodbye... before he woke up...

She hurried over to the bed once again but froze. The sheet music on the piano. That song. He finally wrote a title.

Areum walked over and picked up the music sheet 'First Love'. A silent tear drop rolled down her cheek. As she stared at the song.

"A-Areum?" Yoongi woke up with his head pounding like a jack hammer, he was beyond confused "W-what happened?" he blinked looking around "Areum!" He quickly snapped in shock tugging on the ropes "Areum this isn't funny let me go"

Areum turned around with wet cheeks holding the music sheet "y-you named it?" She asked

Yoongi froze staring at her broken hearted face. She looked emotionally punched in the stomach by love.

"There was no other name it possibly could be"

"Y-you love me? Yoongi, do you love me?"

"Of course I love you. I love you so much it hurts"

Areum sobbed some more looking down at the paper once again "I'm so sorry Yoongi, but you had to know that this wasn't going to work. Surely, you had to know that we can never be together"

"W-what?! Why not? Areum what are you saying?"

"Yoongi. Maybe we can be lovers in another life, but not this one" she shook her head biting her tear stained lip "we can't be together Yoongi and you know it"

"Areum don't do this to me, please don't do this to me, I need you. You're everything. You're all I have in this world. Without you I am nothing" a tear rolled down Yoongi's cheek as pain started to stab into his heart

"Yoongi. You will find someone so much better than me someday. I'm just what you wrote, I'm your first love, that's all I am. I'm just the first of many loves you will have"

"No areum" he snapped not wanting to hear it "you are the only one, there will never be another, ever. Until the day I die, you are the only one. I know it. I know it in my heart" Yoongi cried out in emotional turmoil

"Yoongi please don't make this harder than it has to be" Areum cried looking in his eyes

"Areum please. We can make this work. I know we can. We don't even have to move to Japan if you don't want to. We can stay here. We can work something out. Please don't give up on me yet. Please" he begged tears trickling down his chin

"Yoongi don't you see. I am doing this because I love you"

He shook his head no in disbelief.

Areum took a deep shaking breath and took Yoongi's phone out of his pocket "Areum what are you doing?!" Yoongi began to panic

Areum typed in the number for the police her thumb inches away from the dial icon. In one button click she was going to ruin his life.

"Areum please, just think about this. You can't do this to me, I can give you everything, please" he felt like a fish out of water desperate for his last breath of air

"I love you Yoongi" she leaned in and planted a tear soaked kiss on his lips before pulling away and pressing the button.

"A-Areum" he sobbed feeling his heart shatter into a million tiny little pieces.

"Yes, I would like to report a crime" she croaked into the phone trying with everything she had in her not to cry harder than she already was.

Both Yoongi and Areum cried longing for each other. Feeling a hole being ripped out of both of them whilst their waited for the police to arrive.

Areum explained everything to the police with all the strength she could muster.

Yoongi just stared at the ceiling in defeat. What was the point in fighting anymore? He thought. He was nothing without her. Tears rolled down his cheeks as the horrible reality of life came crashing down on him with a rude awakening.

It was over. Yoongi's whole world and everything in it. Gone forever.

First Love (Min Yoongi ff) | 21+ | Yandere | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now