Divided we Stand. United we Fight

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*(Y/N) POV*

After our escape, we joined forces with Happy Huntresses, however without Robyn. First things first, we needed to find Oscar and hopefully the relic. Right now me, Ruby and Weiss are searching from the airship while grandma Maria pilots it. We look out of the windows, until I spot a camp with a fireplace, near which sits our missing friend

(Y/N): "Petals, I see him. The camp on our left" Ruby gets near me and sees Oscar too

Ruby: "Thank Oum... Grandma Maria!"

Maria: "I heard you girl, I may be old but I can still hear"

Our airship pulls around and then comes to a stop. We open the side door, seeing that is indeed Oscar, thankfully alive and well. Everybody else took cover seeing the military airship stopping near their camp. Ruby waves at Oscar

Ruby: "Need a lift? We have been looking everywhere for you!"

(Y/N): "Come on Oscar! We don't have a whole day!"

Oscar sighs with relief and smiles. I help him onboard and then we go on our way back to Mantle. As we fly over the city, we see Sabres moving through the large hole in a wall, with a lot of flying Grimm beyond it. I open the door again, throwing a few small fireballs at the Grimm, killing them before they could add more work for our ground forces, before closing the door again

Oscar: "I was stupid to think the general would listen. Every choice I've made was the wrong one, and now..." He grips his hands and i put my hand on his shoulder

(Y/N): "You did what you thought was best, Oscar. There is no shame in trying. We all did what we thought was best, but Jam- I mean Ironwood just let himself into a paranoia and fear. And it consumed him completely" I look out the window at still floating Atlas "He won't trust anyone other than himself"

Oscar: "But... now thing are like... this" he looks solemnly out the window, seeing the poor state that Mantle is in now with Grimm outside the walls and no more military support within them

(Y/N): "You're still alive, that's what should be on your mind. Many people can't take comfort in that anymore. And as long as we're alive, we can still try to do something to fix up this mess. As long as we can fight, there is always hope. And as long there is hope, there is resolve to fight on and never give up, no matter what"

I look through the window to see Joanna waving her arm to us

Maria: "Yeah, yeah, I see you" Grandma lands our ship near Joanna. Once we're on the ground, we quickly get off the streets before any Atlas drones could spott us

Joanna: "Inside, hurry" she brings us in one building. We race inside, and Joanna takes out her staff, firing off a shot to take out a nearby Atlas drone before it spots us and then joins the others. She leads us inside, and we walk into a room where May communicates with someone

May: "...I know. Sector 3 is going to need the most help. I'm sending backup your way there right now. Fionna, do you copy. We need reinforcements sent to Sector 3 in the crater" we walk by her

We enter another room, finding the rest of our group watching he news on the Grimm army outside the kingdom, and seeing all our faces shown as wanted fugitives. Nora, seeing Oscar, approaches him and gently embraces him, instead of tackling him like she always does.

Blake: "When we heard that you'd gone off to face Ironwood by yourself, we.." Sam walks near Oscar

Sam: "How did you end up from being high above in Atlas, to the slums of Mantle?"

Oscar: "That's... a long story. I have a feeling there are quite a few of those today" we look at Penny, who has a sad expression, probably accepting that she is the new Winter Maiden" Oscar glances away before looking around noticing someone is missing

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