🔳Hell hole🔲

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School was over now, and shuichi had no-where to go but the hell hole he called 'home'.

He opened the door slowly and looked around
Mrs Saihara and father must be the bar.. he ran to his room and shut the door. He grabbed a chair and placed it underneath the door knob to act as a lock.
His father had taken the lock off after that time shuichi tried escaping and telling police but his father broke the door open on time and shuichi had one of the worst beatings of his life.
He learnt that day, that getting out wasnt worth it.

There's quite a few things about shuichi's so called 'family' that dont quite fit a family stereotype.
But there's no time to get into that for now.
The only thing you need to know is that the one shuichi calls 'Mrs.Saihara' or 'mother' is not his biological mother;

Shuichi had a few hours to himself before his guardians came home from their drunken adventures so shuichi decided to go on social media.
He sighed and layed in his bedroom covered in posters and merch from danganronpa. He had saved up by taking 2 part time jobs one summer but he hasn't been allowed to do it anymore after all his merch was bought.
He opened instagram, where he followed every classmate he had and most the people in school.
There were a few posts making fun of him; pictures of him with insults or incriminating captions such as shuichi talking to ouma blushing, and labeled him as a perv even if he was just on the verge of tears, but on others there were pictures of his desk with the gifts they left for him or simply false acusasions on the school social page.

But then there were the pictures he enjoyed, the one that made him smile softly to himself; those posts never had his face on them! Shuichi hated his face. The pictures he loved where his classmates being happy, the ones where everyone had fun and smiled, even if it wasn't ever directed to him, he loved them. He loved his classmates even if they hated him in return.
But for some reason one person in particular made him smile the brightest, made his heart beat just a little bit faster.
But he didn't understand why. Shuichi was always thought to suppress his feelings, to never feel for himself because he was always thought that he wasn't worth it. He never understood how feelings worked. Either way he liked this feeling. He wanted to see ouma smile more.. he wanted his smile to be for saihara,

Wishful thinking perv. Now the rumor will be true.

Shuichi knew they voice was right. Everyone spread rumors about him stalking ouma. If he tried to talk to him, ouma would get the wrong idea "what do think kirigiri-sama?" He tossed in his bed and looked at a poster of kyoko kirigiri and spoke in a weak voice "i j-just want a f-friend" he hugged himself crying pathetically.
Crybaby. F*cking crybaby. I told you not to hope.

He sobbed for hours until he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. Soon the boy was asleep.

Word count:547

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