🔳Is he a creep?🔲

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Saihara ran out the class hyperventilating and mumbling apologies as he did leaving everyone is shock and concern "m-maybe i should g-go check on h-him?" Ouma walked toward the door only to be stopped by maki "kokichi-kun what are you doing? He stalks you remember" "yeah little bud! That weirdo follows you home and shit" kaito added "he's an idiot" kaede spat uninterested at the whole situation "do we have any actual evidence that saihara stalks ouma? Or just rumors people spread?" Amani chimed in "waddya mean? I thought we confirmed it didnt we? I heard it from maki so i thought it was true?" Miu added aswell "yeah! Those are rumors? I heard it from kaede?" Himiko spoke up in confusion "himiko-chan told me but. I dont know what to believe anymore..."tenko added "i dunno i heard it from some kid, he claimed to be ouma's friend so i believed it" kaede shrugged "a-actually my only friends are y-you guys" ouma stuttered out "what? Some kid also claimed to be your friend said he saw saihara follow you home and take your pictures" maki replied holding her hand up to her mouth 

Everyone looked at each other...had they judged saihara on nothing what so ever?
They let it get so far as flowers on his desk. They were all so set on shunning saihara they never even took the chance to ask if he was ok.. or if anything was even remotely true. "E-excuse me... i saw saihara-kun and he had b-blood seeping out his jacket yesterday aswell as n-noticeable marks 0n his face and neck today. Is that concerning?" Everyone looked at ouma "blood from what part of his jacket?" Amani asked "s-sleeves" the air was heavier than a tonne of bricks.

No one in the class had cheecked up on the guy. Sure they weren't personally the bullies but letting it go this far was just as bad.

"c-could he.." maki felt the guilt strike her as she said those words "someone needs to check up on him..i still dont trust him but i must say I'm concerned" kirumi spoke "i-ill go!" Ouma raised his hand "are you sure kokichi?" Maki gave kokichi a scared look  "yes! I spoke t-to him the other day and he didnt seem t-that bad..please?"maki smiled lightly "ok go" kokichi smiled and ran out the class  "we all need to apologise and be better" Kirumi instructed everyone nodded and sat down. It was a free period.


Ouma ran around the whole school but to no avail.
Until the last place he could think off. The bathroom.

Ouma ran and ran to every bathroom in school and to his relief, one only a few classrooms away from his he heard shuichis voice.
Laughing. Soft laughing coming from the bathroom door and a few words that made kokichi's stomach turn.

"Disgusting disappointment. Waste of life. Slut. Stalker. pervert. Creep"

Over and over between sobs. Kokichi swallowed the lump in his throat and walked in.
Shuichi was on the floor holding scissors with blood yet again seeping from his sleeves. He has hugging his knees with his back against the cold bathrooms wall sobbing and staring at the floor with a forced smile on his face "s-saihara....kun?" Shuichi's head shot up "a-ah ouma...sama! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry I'm such a creep I'm sorry! I'm sorry please dont hurt me ill change i swear I'm, sorry!" Kokichi sat next to shuichi. Not to close they were touching but close enough to be 'safe' "saihara-kun are the rumors.....true? Do you stalk me?" Kokichi asked softly "I'm...not sure anymore is that why people hate me? I can fix it!" Kokichi asked again "but are they true?" Shuichi gasped "o-oh! I would never! I swear i dont! I-i barely even dare look at you much less follow you home" kokichi felt his heart sting this boy was told to die every day for something he didnt even do, he wasn't even aware thats why it happened "s-so if you didnt know why are you apologising?" Shuichi looked at kokichi in the eyes before looking away quickly

"Because i.....I'm a Disgusting disappointment. A Waste of life. A Slut. A Stalker. A pervert. A Creep"

Shuichi's smile never eft his face once "b-but you said you didnt do it" "a-ah i didnt! But if they keep writing it on my desk, my books my bag,my locker they must mean something..right?" Kokichi couldn't comprehend any of this "c-can. You come back to class...please?" Shuichi nodded "if it will make you happy i will!" Kokichi sighed as they walked back to class.

Word count:811

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