CHAPTER 44: His Number 10

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~There is no beauty in sadness. No honor in suffering. No growth in fear. No relief in hate. It's just a waste of perfectly good happiness~



So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings. In the miracle of life, the roots of something new frequently lie in the decaying husks of something old.

As we walked into our house side by side, We set fire to the broken pieces of ourselves to start anew. Ready to love hard and true, to give ourselves over to the rush and bliss of it all. To offer our patchwork hearts over again, to feel and fall, To say yes and to choose wholeness and to break anyway and do it all again.

We left my fathers place with a renewed hope. I realized that the perfection of love is that it's not perfect and It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.

We cuddled and talked about our problems, worries, and misunderstandings through out the night. We talked things out and we listened to each other for once in our miserable marriage.

We realized our mistakes, we apologized to each other and promised to move on, to hold no grudges against one another. Our bond was strengthened, and our love was stronger than ever before

Just like in a dream, Ahmad decided to stay home the next morning. I almost tripped when I saw him lying on the couch on a Sunday, he almost gave me a heart attack.

"Aren't you spending the day at Ummy's as usual? Are you sick? Or Is Ummy not home?" I asked, with panic evident in my voice

"No, I'm fine. I just decided to spend the day at home, with my wife and watch some series" he replied

And we spent the day doing just that, We had quite a wonderful day.

We intended to continue watching our series the next day after work, But ummy was sick worried about Ahmad that she didn't get any sleep last night.

So she decided to visit him at the office, habiba also tagged along. When Ummy returned, she impatiently waited for him again at the garage and so our plans were ruined

"I had to go to your office, because you have not been spending time with us lately" Ummy started, as soon as Ahmad got out of his car.

"You better watch out, because some wives are evil. They break a family apart, they come into the house with the intention of breaking that mother and son bond" she continued, as she made her way to her house with Ahmad trailing behind her

They say "The easiest and fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach" so I made a delicious meal for my husband. I headed to Ummy's house to call him as soon as I finished setting the table

I was about to step in when I heard him talking to someone about me. I quickly glanced through the window and I saw one of his married sisters "Muhibbah", The one with the sharp tongue.

Muhibbah is a boring housewife, but a proud and dedicated mother of two beautiful girls

In her face, there came to be a brooding peace that is seen most often in the faces of the very sorrowful or the very troubled souls. She wanders through life lonely and miserable, but with a determined soul

Although she likes jumping to conclusions fast, she is one of the two most honest children of Ummy. The only one capable of telling Ahmad the bitter truth, the only one that is not afraid to voice out her opinion even if it doesn't go inline with habiba's or Ummy's

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