9.Magic of Titles

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So finally we are here in the last and the most important step of this book, i.e. adding titles to the cover. As discussed earlier the readers are 95% attracted by the title of your work.

So it's our prime concern to make covers such that the main title is completely visible. The readers should have no problem reading the title from the very small grid of the explore page. (85% of the reaches are from explore)

Visibility of the title and the choice of interesting titles are the key to welcome new readers and engage the older ones.

Since this book is about editing I won't be mentioning much about the latter one, still, my excited self had forced me to leave an example here.

How to choose better titles?

Use titles that are interesting and hold suspense, rather than picking something that makes everything about the plot predictable, and in that case, the readers will lose the excitement on what is going to happen next!

Here is an example from one shot of my account.

The title I used was:: When your mafia boyfriend saw you kissing.

It sounded like a cheating FF. But in the climax, it turned out that the girl was an actress and he saw the kissing scene. It was not even close to cheating!!

The title attracted a lot of readers, but it would have gone south if I used the title, “when your mafia boyfriend saw you kissing during a movie shoot.”

I hope you got my point behind this damn big explanation. There aren't any hard and fast rules on how to pick titles, it's just the creativity of the author to extract the best from their plot to put it into the covers.

Coming back on point, visibility of the covers!

Here also I am giving you all an example that will automate your thinking process on how to design your covers.

For now, let's switch from authors to readers. And be honest to yourself on which post you will be clicking if you find these on explore.

I hope the maximum of you would have clicked on 1 because the title was visible from the tiny square grid of the explore page

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I hope the maximum of you would have clicked on 1 because the title was visible from the tiny square grid of the explore page.

In short, you need to work wisely with the fonts to make it convenient for readers to read from the tiny square grid of explorers. Because it depends on that damn click that will pay for your efforts for making the post (writing/editing)

So let's move systematically, on how to add titles. Here is the outline of the guide, slip to the page you are seeking for help, if you are a beginner you can give it a full read.

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