Chapter XX

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He and Ariel didn't explore after the attack. Instead, he kept Ariel close to him, not wanting to let Ariel out of his sight. It was only after Ariel flew up towards Heaven and disappeared that he felt like he could leave and go back to Hell.

He wanted to avoid his friends and go straight to his chamber, but Azazel called out to him as he passed the hot springs.

"How's your angel?" Azazel asked, a hint of derision in his voice.

"Couldn't find him," he said nonchalantly.

"What do you mean 'your angel'?" asked Beleth. "And what happened to your mouth?"

"The angel I've been tormenting," he said, his words clipped. He didn't want to be having this conversation.

Azazel scoffed. "This moron fought with me over that stupid angel."

"What?" Beleth asked, glancing between Dante and Azazel.

"How do you think I got this bump on my head, and Dante got his lip busted? He attacked me with some bullshit about how he's the only one that gets to torment that particular angel."

Shax laughed. "You're both morons."

"Shut up," Azazel shot back. Then he turned his gaze to Dante. "You know, for an angel who is supposedly being tormented every time you see him, he sure looked healthy to me. There wasn't a scratch or bruise on him."

His heart began to beat rapidly in his chest. He should have known Azazel would figure out things weren't adding up. Thinking quickly, he shrugged. "Beating him got old after a while. I've moved on to a type of abuse that isn't easily visible."

Beleth raised his eyebrows. "Really?"

"'re nailing an angel?" Shax asked, his mouth hanging open. "What's that like?"

"Pretty much the same as with anyone down here. Except he isn't exactly a willing participant," he lied.

"Maybe we should all start doing that," Beleth said.

"It's not worth the trouble," he said, not wanting to be the cause of the rest of the demons assaulting the angels. "It's not as exciting as you think."

"I don't think that's up to you to decide," Azazel cut in. "Maybe I should have a taste and see why you're so possessive of that angel."

He spun towards Azazel and glared, baring his teeth. "He's mine. You all better stay away," he snarled, each breath he inhaled turning into a growl. "Nobody touches him."

Beleth stepped in front of him. "Woah, Dante. Walk it back on the ferocity."

Azazel put his hands up in a gesture of surrender. "Fine. I'll leave your precious angel alone."

Narrowing his eyes at all of them, he turned and stormed off to his chamber.

Sleep didn't come quickly. He tossed and turned, thinking of Ariel. He didn't know what he'd do if he ever lost him, and he worried about whether he could actually protect Ariel. Even though everything had worked out today, he knew he was lucky that it had been one of his own friends who attacked Ariel, and not a demon he wasn't as familiar with.

He'd never had to worry about anything in his life before and he didn't like the feeling, but he wouldn't trade Ariel for anything. Ariel was worth the worry.


As he entered Heaven, he knew he was going to have to explain himself. His injuries from the attack weren't something he could hide. His biggest fear was that his friends were going to insist on accompanying him down to Earth for the next few days, making it impossible for him to see Dante.

"What happened to your face?" Charmeine asked.

His friends all looked up, and he saw Raguel's eyes wander to his shoulder. He didn't miss the flash of suspicion in Raguel's expression.

"You tell us you want to go to Earth alone, but you've been getting beat up lately," Jael said. "What are you doing?"

"Uh, well, you all probably won't believe me, but I got spooked by a bird. An owl."

"I've seen owls," Raguel said. "What does that have to do with this?"

"I think we both surprised each other, and it attacked," he lied. He twisted his head to look at the deep holes in his shoulder. "It grabbed my shoulder with its talons. I kind of panicked and in my attempt to get it off, I fell and hit my head. That hurt worse than the talons."

Charmeine shook her head. "Maybe you should think about toning down the exploring."

"I don't want to," he replied. "I really enjoy it. Even if stuff like this happens."

"But what if you get hurt and need help? What if falling and hitting your head had knocked you out?"

He tried not to show his frustration. His friends meant well and he knew their points were valid, but the last thing he needed was more difficulty in seeing Dante.

"How about this," he began. "I'll tone down the exploring and stick to only the tropical forests and the pine forest. That way, if something happens and I don't show up by dinner, you know where to look for me."

"I still don't like it," Raguel said. "But that's a fair compromise."

For once, he was grateful for Raguel's tendency toward logic.


While laying in his bed, he reflected on the day. He realized that Dante was the first thing he thought about when he was being attacked, rather than his own safety. His primary concern was how Dante would feel if he was missing, and the impact it would have on Dante's life.

He cared for Dante so deeply, and it seemed Dante cared for him too. He knew demons couldn't love, but he wouldn't let that stop him. After today, he couldn't deny it anymore. He loved Dante. He loved his sense of humor and playful personality, his curiosity and adventurous spirit, and his courage in deciding to be different from the other demons and seek out a better life.

Memories with Dante flashed through his head, and when he thought about how close he came to losing all of that, he knew he wanted more. He didn't want to risk never getting to tell Dante he loved him, or never getting to show Dante just how much he loved him. Kissing Dante wasn't going to be enough anymore. He wanted all of Dante, and he wanted Dante to have all of him too. It would be a sin - probably the worst sin he could commit - but he was going to do it anyway.

Love couldn't be wrong. 

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