Chapter XXII

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From that moment on, he and Dante were inseparable. He made excuses to go down to Earth alone all day, even though his friends protested. He knew it wasn't fair to them, but he couldn't stay away from Dante. When the two of them weren't exploring the forests or gathering fruit, they were together under the trees or hidden in the tall grass exploring each other's bodies.

He knew this kind of infatuation was dangerous, but there was no way he could tear himself away from Dante. Ever since the day he'd slept with Dante, it seemed like everything had changed. He needed Dante like he needed air. He needed Dante's body pressed against his, their limbs intertwined. 

On this day, he was laying in the grass with Dante, his body stretched out next to Dante's and his head tucked into the crook of Dante's shoulder. He closed his eyes as Dante stroked his hair. They would often sit or lie together like this, content not to say anything and to simply be in each other's presence.

Eventually, Dante broke the silence. "You're so easy to love," he murmured. "I'm not."

Ariel sat up. "What do you mean?"

"You're an angel. You're beautiful and perfect and good. Anyone would love you. And even though I'm happy that you love me too, I don't understand why."

"Why do you think you're not lovable?"

Dante smiled softly. "I'm a demon. Demons don't even love demons."

"Everyone is worthy of being loved," he replied. "Are you trying to tell me I should be with someone else?"

Dante chuckled. "No. There's no way I could let you go."


"I'd follow you anywhere," Dante promised, picking up Ariel's hand and tracing their fingertips together. "I'd lose everything to be with you, because being with you is worth more than life itself."

He didn't know how to follow up such a beautiful declaration of love. Dante's words took his breath away at times. 

He grasped Dante's hand and began to kiss each one of his fingertips. "I love you," he murmured.

Dante's mouth met his, hungrily asking for more, and he knew they weren't going to be moving from this spot for hours.


Later, after washing off in the pool near the waterfall, they picked fruit to snack on and some extra for Ariel to take back to Heaven. He was still making sure he brought enough food back so his friends didn't get suspicious.

"Ari, catch!" Dante called, and then lobbed an orange at him.

Laughing, he caught it and then dove for another one that Dante threw. When he looked back up at Dante, Dante smirked at him and then took a bite of the orange in his hand, peel and all.

He rolled his eyes and shook his head, but couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face. Dante had learned how to eat fruit the right way, but every once in a while he bit right into the peel, knowing how much it freaked Ariel out every time.

Dante wandered over a few minutes later, having just finished the orange. "I want a kiss."

"Not after you've eaten all that bitter peel!" he protested. "I could still taste it last time you did that."

Dante lunged at him and he tried to run, but Dante's arms were firmly around him. "You know you want to!"

"I don't!"

He turned his head to avoid Dante's lips, but Dante just licked the side of his face instead.

"Ew, demon slobber," he whined. "Get off."

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