Chapter XXIX

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He squinted as he looked across the meadow, searching for Ariel and the other angels. He noticed that lately it had become more difficult to see from a distance, and at times, some objects were hazy. He tried not to think about his father's warning that he'd go blind.

During the past few weeks, his time in Heaven had been amazing. The majority of the angels still regarded him with suspicion, but he'd gained the trust of Ariel's close friends. Charmeine and Laila were some of the kindest souls he'd ever met, and Jael made him laugh nearly every time he spoke. Raguel and Pravuil were more reserved, but they had a quiet respect for him and let him be. 

"Dante!" Jael called. "Get over here. We need this pineapple opened."

He headed towards Jael's voice, bringing his basket of fruit with him.

"Did you get strawberries?" Laila asked, looking towards him with interest.

He showed her his basket, filled to the brim with strawberries.

"Thank you!" She smiled at him, her warm brown eyes gleaming. "I know those take a while to pick."

"I'm happy to be useful," he replied.

Jael handed him the pineapple, and he spent the next few minutes working on it. Once most of the outside was peeled off, the angels clustered around and took chunks of the pineapple, their white feathered wings bumping against one another. He knew he was the outlier with his bare, dark wings, but he couldn't help but smile. Although it hadn't been that long, the angels were beginning to feel like family.

Ariel lifted his head and smiled at him, and he felt his heart flutter. Ariel was so impossibly beautiful, and it was all he could do not to take him in his arms and kiss him until neither of them could breathe.

"Here," Ariel said, reaching over the other angels and offering him some of the pineapple.

He took it, and then motioned to the trees with his head. It was their signal to each other to leave the group so they could have a moment alone.

Ariel met him in the forest and wrapped his arms around Dante's neck. No words were needed. He kissed Ariel slowly and gently, savoring every second. Ariel tasted like pineapple and smelled like honeysuckle. He wanted to bury himself inside Ariel and never part from him. It was as if his soul lived in Ariel, and Ariel's soul lived in him. Despite their differences, they were one in the same.


At the end of the day, as he followed the angels up to Heaven, he struggled to keep up. He was tired and his wings ached. He found that he got tired more easily than before, especially when he spent most of the day gathering fruit rather than sneaking away with Ariel. The ache in his wings was new, and he was grateful when they finally reached the clouds.

He managed to make conversation at dinner, but once everyone was finished with their food, he excused himself from the table. He was looking forward to laying down on Ariel's soft bed and resting his wings and body.

It had only been a minute since he'd laid down when Ariel's face appeared around the corner. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I'm just tired. You should go back to your friends. I'll be here when you come back for the night."

Ariel smiled and approached the bed. "I'll see you later," he said, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "Goodnight for now."


He'd debated whether he should lay down with Dante or go back to his friends, but he figured Dante needed the rest if he was tired. He didn't want his presence to be distracting and keep Dante awake.

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