Chapter XXV

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He rolled over in his rocky bed, staring at the wall. He hadn't slept well, and he felt somewhat nauseous and lightheaded. The most disturbing thing was that he felt like he couldn't get enough air through his nose, which confused him. This had never happened before. He knew demons could get sick, but he'd never been sick and he didn't know why it was happening now. He wasn't an old demon.

Slowly, he sat up, but the movement made his head hurt. The last thing he wanted to do right now was fly, but if he didn't, he wouldn't see Ariel. He was sure that Ariel's presence would make him feel better, so he would just have to tough it out and make his way to Earth.

The journey took much longer than usual and he felt even weaker by the time he arrived at the tropical forest. Still, he was going to try to put on a brave face for Ariel. He'd have to take it easy today, but he didn't want things to be boring for Ariel. 

When Ariel spotted him, he rushed over and hugged him tightly. But when Ariel went in for a kiss, he stopped him.

"I'm sick," he said. "I don't want you to get it."

Ariel stroked his hair back from his face. "I didn't know demons got sick."

"It's mostly older demons. It's never happened to me before."

He hugged Ariel again and rested his head on Ariel's shoulder. All he wanted to do was curl up next to him and sleep.


He rubbed Dante's back. "I'm sorry you're sick. How about we lay down? We can rest today instead of exploring."

When Dante didn't protest, he knew he must not be feeling good. Dante never turned down a chance to explore. He found a spot in the shade where they'd be almost hidden by the enormous leaves of one of the plants. He patted down the grass so they'd have a soft surface to lay on and then sat down, resting his back against a tree trunk.

Dante crawled underneath the leaves and immediately snuggled up to him. It was still surprising how affectionate Dante could be. He would have never imagined a demon being vulnerable and loving.

He had also never imagined a demon being his soulmate. Not in a million years. Despite their differences and the challenges of being together, he was glad he'd found Dante. Dante understood him in a way that his own friends didn't.

He looked down at the sick demon in his arms. Dante's eyes were closed and it sounded like his nose was stuffed up. The best thing for Dante would be to get plenty of sleep. He didn't mind sitting here with him, even if that's all they ended up doing today.


A couple hours had passed when he heard rustling in the clearing. He stopped breathing and tried to stay silent. Even though he was supposed to be off-limits to Dante's friends, he was still afraid of them.


The voice calling out to him was light and feminine. Laila.

He waved his arm to get her attention, and then held a finger to his lips, motioning for her to be quiet.

"Is that him?" Laila whispered, staring down at Dante.

He nodded. "He's sick and not feeling too good. Otherwise I'd be happy for you to meet him."

"He looks harmless."

"You might feel differently when you see his eyes and teeth, but you're right. He can be really sweet."

"I can hear you both, you know," Dante suddenly said, without opening his eyes.

Laila jumped back, instantly on edge.

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