Chapter XXVIII

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The next morning he awoke and took a moment to lay there before opening his eyes. He was afraid that it had all been a dream. He took in his surroundings, noting that he felt warm and was laying on something impossibly soft. He was fairly confident that he wasn't in Hell, because Hell could never be this nice. He felt fingers slowly tracing up his arm, and he smiled.

"Ari," he said, opening his eyes.

"So you are awake," Ariel mused, gazing down at him. Ariel was on his side, propped up on one elbow and looking more beautiful than Heaven itself.

"I was hoping this wasn't all a dream."

Ariel leaned down and kissed him. "I'm real."

He pulled Ariel down on top of him, loving the feel of Ariel's skin against his. He didn't think his life could be any more perfect.


After breakfast, he waited while Ariel went to get baskets for them to gather fruit. He was taking in the scenery when he sensed someone approaching. He turned to see Raguel and Pravuil.

"Hello," he greeted them. "Are you coming down to Earth to gather fruit with us?"

Raguel's gaze was hard, his eyes cold. "Not with you around. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you're welcome here just because some of the angels are tolerating you."

"I'm aware that I'm not welcome, but I'm trying to change that. I'm willing to work hard to earn everyone's trust."

"You should just leave," Pravuil said.

"I'm not going to leave. I love Ariel, and he loves me."

Raguel scoffed. "The novelty of being with a demon will wear off and eventually Ariel won't love you anymore. He likes adventure and things that are different. That's all. You're just a phase."

"I don't believe that."

"Leave," Pravuil insisted. He wasn't expecting for Pravuil to reach out and push him, and he stumbled.

Looking at both of them, he shook his head. "I won't leave Ariel."

Pravuil shoved him again, but he didn't push back. Raguel moved toward him, perhaps to shove him too, but he wasn't prepared for Raguel's fist colliding with his face. It knocked him backwards and he found himself sitting on the clouds.

He was confused. He didn't think angels were violent. Ariel had never shown a single sign of aggression. He felt pain in his lower lip and realized it was wet. He touched his fingers to his mouth and saw dark red blood as he pulled them back.

Raguel and Pravuil were staring at him, not making any move to either run away or attack him again. He was annoyed, but he got up and walked away. If they had been demons, he'd have no problem fighting back, but he wasn't going to do anything to harm an angel. He hoped that abuse wasn't something else he'd have to get used to up here.

He wandered over to the structure he'd seen Ariel's friends get food and drinks from, trying to find something to clean up his lip. The last thing he wanted was for Ariel to notice and start asking questions. Unfortunately, he ran right into Ariel and Charmeine.

"What happened to your face?" Ariel asked, reaching up to touch his lip.

"Oh, uh, I tripped and fell."

"On what? The clouds?" Ariel asked, gesturing to their soft fluff.

He realized all too late what a stupid excuse that was. "No, on one of those marble things."

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