The Great Council

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The room was a chaotic mess as the women of Team RWBY and JNPR argued and discussed the issue at hand. Joining them, Cinder Fall and Emerald Sustrai argued too.

"Order!" Nora yelled, using her wooden hammer toy to hit a thick, leatherbound book. "Order I say!"

Cinder was the first to talk, her eyes narrowing at the red haired Spartan. "We all signed a treaty of non interference Nikos." She growled. "And you ignored that treaty to finally make Jaune yours. You truly have no honor."

"He was going to be taken away! I didn't have any choice in the matter!" Pyrrha almost shouted, exacerbated.

"This is unfair for all of us who were pinning for Jaune." Said Emerald. "We all agreed to not interfere with each other! I demand that the agreement with Lord Arc be changed, so that Cinder and I become Ladies Arc instead of Nikos."

Cinder nodded smugly. "Arcadia has laws that protect these sorts of non-traditional unions. And besides, I think Lord Arc would very much agree that 2 young and fertile huntresses are better than one."

"Now hold on there!" Weiss screeched at them. "You criminals! Maybe Headmaster Ozpin pardoned you for helping against the Fang last year but we still remember how you were planning on destroying our home! Maybe Jaune is quick to forgive you all but not us!"

"What plans we had made for the destruction of Beacon are irrelevant." Cinder said. "It was because of him that we turned our cloaks on Salem. This is a matter of a woman's heart. Tell me, why is Nikos entitled to Jaune's love but not us? We who defected to save thousands of lives. Or even you? Why is she allowed to keep that deal with the Arc family, when anyone here is just as worthy?"

Pyrrha grit her teeth but said nothing.

"We all love Jaune." Blake said, resolute. "We all love the same dorky lovable goofball that saved all of us in one way or another. Isn't that the reason we are here today? To discuss a solution to this problem?"

All the girls nodded.

"I think P-money did good. If she hadn't made that deal with Lord Arc then Jaune would've left and married some floozy highborn lady. Can you imagine that? At least Jaune knows us, and he loves us, as he likes to say often." Said Yang.

"Still." Ruby said. "Pyrrha has crushed all our hearts with her good intentions."

Pyrrha cringed slightly. She considered Ruby one of her best friends, her fellow redhead. To see her this sad and empty made her feel an anguish she had never felt before.

"I understand." Said Pyrrha. "I won't regret what I did. Jaune was going to leave us, I nipped that in the bud. But I'm sure you all think I backstabbed you."

Murmurs and nods filled the room.

"Then how about this." Pyrrha said. "Arcadia has laws that protect these sorts of polyamorous unions, correct? After I ensure that our beloved does not leave us forever, then I wont object if any of you decide to enter our relationship. You heard Lord Arc clearly, Jaune needs heirs, I think he would be delighted to see so many women fighting over the chance of bearing the next generation of Arc warriors. However, Jaune must agree to this as well. We cannot force him,"

Cinder hummed deep in thought and nodded. "A good plan. However, must I ask why must you be the first to take our beloved to bed?"

"It has to be Pyrrha." Said Blake. "That was the agreement. Pyrrha is to bear Jaune's heirs. After she does the deed then we all move in."

Ruby nodded. "It's a good plan. However, we need to organize this."

"We won't get anywhere if we all decide our turns come before each other's. We need to determine our turns after Pyrrha's randomly, so there's no complaints." Said Blake.

"How about we roll dice for it?" Said Yang. "Like Caverns and Grimms yknow?"

The women in the room all nodded and rolled dice to determine the order of their confessions of love. Cheers and boos echoed in the room as the order of confessions was soon established.
Pyrrha would naturally go first, then Cinder, then Blake, then Yang and Ruby, then Emerald and finally Weiss.

"Why am I the last one?" groaned Weiss in dismay.

"Probably karma" Yang muttered.

"Then it is decided. You will all confess your love to Jaune, and if he accepts you, you shall all become Ladies of Arc and bear him many children." Said Nora. "I call this great council finished!"

They all nodded, their gazes hardened.

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