Breed The Heiress

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Weiss felt she would literally die if forced to wait around another day. When the turn order had been established, Weiss felt somewhat cheated, she was dead last in the list. She refused to believe it was karma. Yes she had treated her future husband somewhat badly, but surely she wasn't such a bitch, right?
The heiress shook her head. To pass the time she would sometimes drink tea with Winter, sometimes another person from RWBY joined in. Winter was adamant in getting to know her friends.

Sometimes, Winter would specifically tell Weiss to bring Jaune along. While the notion was scary as hell, she always felt her heart melt when Jaune instantly dropped whatever he was doing to hang out with her.
Winter had insisted for her to get to know her future in law. While Weiss initially thought her sister's intentions were innocent, the way her elder sibling had stared at her Jaune made her squirm every time.

Gods damn it! Her too?! She had seethed when Winter smiled warmly at the very oblivious blonde man drinking tea next to them.
She shouldn't be surprised really. Jaune was a very charming man, and Winter a 25 year old woman with no experience with romance besides that awful book series Pyrrha and Blake were into.

I guess…If Ruby and Yang make it work, maybe we can too? She thought.
She shook her head, currently walking alongside her sister through the Vale Mall. Her sister had surprised her just as she was leaving a very pricy lingerie store. Weiss thought her heart would stop but Winter had smiled a knowing grin at her when she saw the contents of her bag.
The walked alongside each other in comfortable silence.

"So it is today." Winter had said absentmindedly.
Weiss shuddered, how could anyone ever talk about their sex lives with their siblings?
Weiss felt herself groan. Ruby and Yang would. They had. Every night for the last week. Telling Weiss in vivid detail how they both had gone down on the blonde noodle (not a noodle anymore according to Yang) and about their raunchy sex. Yang was the worst, while Ruby simply told her reassuring things to give her confidence, Yang had snickered at her.

I'm sorry Weissy but he literally fucked Rubes and I into stuttering messes. I shudder to think how badly you'll break when it's your go."

Weiss' stomach had turned in lust when Yang had said that.
Will a romp with my Jaune break me? Will he b-break me with his Arc c-cock? The heiress had shuddered in anticipation.

"Y-Yes." Weiss said to her sister, breaking out of her reverie. "T-Today is my day, with my beloved."

Winter simply smiled, prim and proper.
"I'm so glad for you, Weiss." Winter said, smiling demurely. "I was wondering…"

Weiss raised an eyebrow at her sister.

"I was wondering if you're planning on taping the encounter?" Winter said, her face neutral, but a glint in her eyes betrayed her intentions. "Ms. Belladonna and Nikos have provided me with tapes of the last encounters, for investigative purposes only. I was wondering if you would be open to the idea of being recorded?"

Weiss' mind had to do a double take. Like a car pushing 150, her mind crashed into a lamppost and went up in flames.
Oh gods. You're hanging out with them? Weiss wanted to scream.

"Wah Whu?"
Weiss knew her stuttering made her look like a fool, but Winter was not deterred, pressing on.

"I understand if it's too much to ask." Winter said, putting a hand on Weiss' shoulder. "If you're not up to it…"

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