Breed the Specialist

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When her sister texted her about her turn being tonight, Winter Schnee stopped to reprimand herself for being so giddy. She was a lady of the Schnee family, not some highschooler with a crush. She resolved to doing her best tonight, to not only to cement herself as the dominant one in her future relationship with her and Weiss' man, but to also captivate Jaune with her pride as a Schnee. Thus Winter Schnee walked through the dorm corridors with a spry on her step, Winter herself refused to admit that she was practically skipping to RWBY's dorm room, doing so was unbecoming for her.

Winter first became interested in Jaune by her interactions with her sister. The way her sibling described him had a very palpable fondness for the blonde man, and at first Winter was captivated by her sister's accounts of the man that by all rights had captured her heart. Then Weiss had confided in her that she felt a very strong sense of belonging and family every time she is with Jaune and the rest of his "Arc Harem" as Ms. Belladonna likes to call it. Winter was at first very jealous of her sister, she had what Winter herself had craved for years, ever since the reality of her loneliness hit her during one of her many tours as part of the Atlas military. She had been alone ever since she left the Schnee manor to pursue her career. One part of her was delighted that her sister had escaped that pain of loneliness that Winter herself suffered from, but no matter how hard she tried to suppress it, she felt envy. Winter herself knew that feeling envy was unbecoming of a Schnee, yet she felt its cold grip on her heart all the same.

She didn't know why she did it, but she had asked Weiss to bring Jaune over for tea one day, perhaps she was curious as to the character of the man that had made her little sister fall in love. The Arcs were a respected family, practically royalty in Vale. Unlike the Schnees, which started as dust vendors and quickly rose through the ranks in Atlesian high society, the Arcs were descendants from the Kings of Vale themselves, they owned a vast quasi-kingdom next to Vale herself, and counted with the support of many lords in their lands. They were very powerful, so Winter wasn't concerned as to what their father might think of Weiss taking Jaune to bed, if anything, he would've approved without a second thought. But it wasn't about the power their family had, this time, it had been about love. Weiss was happy, and that was all that mattered to Winter in the end.

The day that Weiss had brought Jaune to have tea with her, Winter was admittedly a little disappointed at his shy demeanor. She had let it slide though, while he was shy around her, he minded his courtesies and was very friendly. Jaune had the typical Arc looks, blonde hair and blue eyes, even when his mother had originally being from the Larencroft family, one of the many families sworn to the Arcs. The Larencrofts were most distinguished by their brown eyes and ginger hair, but all of the Arc matriarch's kids sported golden hair and blue eyes. Winter had heard stories of the Arc men's virility, and had once heard one of the councilmen from Atlas say that their "seed was strong as a castle wall." Jaune and the rest of his siblings proved that saying true. Their talks were pleasant, and while Winter couldn't initially see what her sister saw in the Arc, she silently gave Weiss a look, as if to say "you have my approval to court him."

What changed her opinion on the Arc male forever, happened the day after. Weiss had returned from her classes devastated. At first, Winter didn't know exactly why her sister was so sad, but after a little explaining, she felt fury unlike none other she had ever felt. Their father had "arranged" a meet and greet with one Lord Duress of Atlas, recently widowed. Winter knew what that meant, for all its superficial innocence of being just a social event, Winter knew different. Jacques Schnee was trying to pawn Weiss off, to a man who could very well be old enough to be her father. Rumours going around Atlesian high society stipulated that Lord Duress had abused his wife to death, and while Winter normally wasn't one to pay any heed to rumors from shaky sources, when she recalled this, she felt her stomach twist in agonizing terror. Swiftly she had tried to call her father, and tried to explain the situation to him, to avoid this arrangement. She had told him about what she had heard, about the Lord's treatment of his ex-wife, yet her father was as stone. The words he had uttered after that, had made Winter almost break down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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