1. Accident

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Third Person POV

One thing which is paramount for any or every individual is their dreams.

Dreams despite of being vague are very substantial. For some dreams are their strength and for some  it's their weakness. For some dreams are a source of motivation but for some dreams become a source of depression. Dreams can be beautiful and dark at the same time. It depends on an individual how he takes it and what he/she  makes out of his life.

But one thing with which every one of us would agree is that dreams cannot be snatched. Every individual has their own dreams which are only theirs.

Just like everyone there was a guy who had some dreams and for that he burnt midnight oil and at last achieved whatever he desired of.

Advik was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, rather he had witnessed hardships in his entire youth. His father was a teacher while his mother was a housewife. Mr and Mrs Sharma had borne a lot of difficulties to raise their Children but at the end it was worth it. Now both of their sons were at the peak of success.

Advik's dream was to provide his family with all the luxuries they have ever wanted and for it he worked hard. After completing his studies he worked as an employee in a company for few years and later on established his own enterprise.

Now he was the CEO of a huge multinational company while his brother worked as a Manager in their company. 

But as the saying goes everything has a price. After all the achievements Advik gained, his life turned upside down. The boy who had  witnessed hardships in his entire life took an oath to not let his family face the same again and for that he let his happiness and freedom go.

He worked hard and forgot that he too like others has a life. A life which is beautiful and pure.

With passing years his circle became close and his personality from a bubbly child  turned into a stiff, furious, and a silent one.

Unknown to him there was a storm which was waiting to enter in his life.


Advik's POV

Today was a very hectic day, ton of meetings and a hefty pile of files made me feel numb.

I was driving currently towards my residence, the only source of light on the dark and empty streets was from the street lights. I was driving at a fast speed  because of the empty streets when suddenly I saw a pale and slim body running towards my car.

Unable to comprehend anything I quickly pushed my feet on the brake and my car came to halt. I hurriedly made my way out to witness the body was lying near the tyres of my car. I
was freaking and my mind was not able to comprehend the situation.

I carefully observed the street to double check if this was not some prank to empty my pocket. After doing a double check I made my way towards the body and carefully patted the person's shoulder to see that the body was not moving. There was blood which was ozzing from the left side of the person's head which made me paralyzed. There were few scratches on her neck and hands which made me frown.

Can a car accident cause scratches on neck? I wondered. Was this blood because of my car? What the hell is happening? Now what should I do? Were the thoughts rummaging in my mind.

I sighed and carried the person bridal style. After carrying the person, I noticed that the body was of a girl and to say she weighed like a paper would be an understatement.

I carefully adjusted her at the back of my car and took her to the nearest hospital.

After reaching the hospital, I contacted the doctor on the duty and later on she was taken to the ICU.

As soon as she was taken for the operation, I made a call to my brother and asked him to come here immediately.

After half an hour which seemed like eternity, my brother Vihaan made his appearance.

"Bro you okay? Right?" He questioned me while sitting next to me.

"I don't know. I don't know if I am okay Vihaan.  How the hell I got involved in all this. I was returning back and out of nowhere she came towards my car and boom. Now she is making me question my decisions. I shouldn't have occupied myself so much in work. You asked me to return early but no my  idiotic self had to face this encounter. How am I suppose to come out of this." I yelled unable to control my emotions anymore. It was getting hard for me to maintain my calm and composed posture. I was furious as hell.  I was everything except being calm right now.

"You are right, you can't come out of this Mr Advik." Came a hoarse voice startling me and Vihaan.


"Mr Advik you are a huge personality that is why I have not called the cops yet. The girl inside has multiple bruises on her body, which are not recent and they are way too brutal  however the car accident was the reason for the blood ozzing out of her head. We are done with the stiches but we still cannot comment anything. We have to wait till she is conscious. Then only we can interrogate her and let you go." With that said the doctor made his exit and left my mind go haywire.


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•Who is that girl and why did she had multiple bruises on her body?

Your first impression  of Advik?

•Dreams are something which are truly ours as no one can steal them. Do you agree?

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