20. Insecurities and Promises

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Advik's POV

Who says shopping is an easy task? Hell no! From past three hours we are roaming here and there and too say my legs have gone numb would be an understatement.

"Dad when are we going to go back? I am tired. Why is it taking you so long to select a dress for yourself? Although it's my engagement but you are behaving like you are going to get engaged." I groaned. My Dad and Vihaan were irritating me now. I had already selected my dress but they were taking so long to choose.

"Son, it's a grand occasion and it's not only important for you but for us also. We have to also look handsome. Isn't it Vihaan?" Dad said to which Vihaan nodded and snickered making me glare.

"Fine! Continue with what you are doing." I said and went towards the women section to meet Pari. It's been three hours that I have not seen her and yet it feels like ages. Pari was with Mom purchasing dress for herself.

The moment I stepped inside the women section I started receiving stares from all the ladies around which made me embarrassed. With my head down I started my search for Mom and Pari.

In the corner was my Mom purchasing dress for herself while Pari was looking fondly at a dress which was laid on her lap. I quietly waddled towards Pari and pulled her backwards behind a wall so that no one could see us.

"Advik--" I heard her whispering.

"I bet you will look pretty in this dress." I said while my eyes were wandering from the dress which was still in her hold to her face.

"How are you so sure?" Pari asked while furrowing her eyebrows.

I chuckled and caressed her eyebrows softly while pecking her forehead delicately.

"Stop stressing your brain so much, it's already of pea size." I chuckled.

"You meanie." Pari replied while pouting and hit my chest lightly.

"Awww my adorable bean, I was missing you so much." I said to her while squishing her cheeks softly.

"I missed you too so much." Pari mumbled cutely.

I smirked and an idea came in my head. My hold against Pari's hands tightened and I said "Let's run away."

"What?" Pari stated curiously with a tint of shock on her face.

"We are going to run away from here and ditch my parents with these shopping bags." I said with a smug smile on my face.

"You idiot! why are you like this? It's not a good idea, we can't leave them here alone. Nope not at all." Pari replied giving me a snarl.

"Why? You are no fun." I said pouting and tried to woo her with my charms and surprisingly it worked.

"Okay! But we won't go far away because we have came here with them and we'll go back with them only." Pari ordered me and honestly the way she gave me orderes brought a warm feeling inside my chest.

I cheered and pulled her towards the food court with me. In the food corner, there was table at the corner which was vacant. I and Pari sauntered towards the table and sat on our respective seats.

"So what did you bought for yourself?" I heard Pari saying. She was looking at me like a curious cat.

"Well! You'll see on your own. I guarantee you all the girls including you would be swooning over me on our engagement." I replied with an amused smirk on my insanely handsome face.

Pari who was smiling till now was looking at me with a dark gaze. However even with a frown on her face she was looking stunning that I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Don't you dare. If you want all the girls swooning over you then what's the need to marry me. Go and get married to all those girls. Idiot." I heard her whispering, making me snicker.

"Who says we are going to get married? It's just our engagement right? And why did you call me an idiot---" I rambled but came to an halt when I saw a dejected look on her face and tears welling in the corner of her eyes.

"Pari?" I whispered exactly knowing that my stupidity has triggered her.

Pari sighed and tried to maintain a composed posture. She turned her head towards the opposite direction and continued staring there as if it's fascinating to her.

I hurriedly stood from my place and shifted my chair towards her. Now our chairs were adjacent to each other. I turned her towards myself while holding her shoulders delicately.

"I am sorry Pari, I was just pulling your leg. I assure you that this man sitting in front of you is only yours. Other women don't matter to me when I already have a beautiful women besides me and my love is not only limited to your outer appearance but I love you for your innocence, your honesty and pure heart." I sincerely voiced out my opinions knowing exactly that she is extremely self conscious.

"Advik are you sure that you ready to spend your entire life with me? I don't want you to handle or babysit a girl who is trapped inside her insecurities and fears. I love you so much Advik that is hurts." Pari mumbled ever so lightly. Our hands were now intervened together and were lying on her lap.

"Pari just answer my one question. Do you love me?" I asked to which she nodded rapidly.

"I love you beyond limits Advik. I can't even describe how much respect, admiration and love I have for you." Pari said making me smile.

"Will you fight for me? Will you fight with your insecurities, fear, anxities and with your past for me?" I asked her and in less than a millisecond she whispered "If it's you, I can even have a fight with the almighty above. You are my everything Advik, I have only you--- who is my strength, my solace, my happiness my everything. I can't lose you not in this lifetime. Rather I wish to have a partner like you in my each and every life."

I started smiling like a child who gets his candy after so many struggles. I pecked her nose cutely making her giggle.

"Then what's there to fear? You love me, I love you then why to care about the past or future. Pari I promise you even if your past comes in front of you one day I won't leave you, we will face everything together because our love is strong and it will fight against all the odds---- even your ugly past." I said and Pari hurriedly latched on me like a baby. Her arms were around my neck while her face was pressed against my chest, I pecked her temple and mumbled a sincere 'I love you'.


Hey Guys 🌺

•Pari still has insecurities and fears of her past in her heart, those insecurities have caged her from inside. Do you think it will be easy for her to move on? Is it easy for her to heal?

•Do you think Advik and Pari would be able to fight against all odds?

PS: Angst is coming soon!

PS: Angst is coming soon!

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