27. Harsh Truth

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Third Person POV

The Sharma family was still waiting in the hospital for Pari to gain consciousness. It was after the operation that the doctor reported that Pari was still unconscious and they can only wait for her to return to senses.

Advik was pacing in the corridors when he received a call from the police station stating that the Kapoor's are arrested. After hanging up the call Advik immediately sauntered towards his parents and said.

"Mom and Dad I am going to the police station as they have arrested the culprits. Therefore I am going and in the meantime if Pari wakes up then do call me immediately." Advik said hurriedly.

"Okay! Son. Take care of yourself and don't worry about Pari we are here to take care of her." Mr Sharma replied while pating his son's shoulder.

"Bro I'll come with you." Vihaan said.

"Count me too." Ajay joined.

The trio soon left the hospital and made their way towards their destination.

It was 40 minutes into the journey and now the trio was standing outside the police station. Advik breathed and mentally prepared himself to hear the complete truth. It was now when he'll get to know the truth about Pari's flashbacks and bruises. One thing which he was sure of was that whatever the truth is, people who have hurt Pari are definitely going to face the consequences.

While in the police station, the Kapoor's were sitting on corner benches under the scrutinizing gazes of the constables.

"Inspector I am here." Advik mumbled making his appearance. He stood in front of suspects with his clenched jaw. Anger, dominance were the only thing which were radiating from his auora.

"Why?" Advik mumbled furiously.

"Son, I--I, trust us we are innocent-----" Mr Kapoor opened his mouth to speak when he was immediately cut off in between.

"I asked why? Why the hell did you all do this? Why did you lie about Pari's boyfriend? Why?" Advik at last roared losing all his patience making the suspects flinch. They were terrified of Advik's presence and finally decided to confess the truth.

"Yes, we lied. Each and everything was a lie." Mr Kapoor said without any guilt in his eyes. The Kapoor's were having a sinister smirk on their faces.

"It's true that Pari is my brother's daughter and it's also true that she lost them in an accident when she was 18 and since then we had to take care of her. Despite of the fact that she was an adult we were still forced to take care of her and provide her woth shelter and food. Why? You know why? It's because she is a crybaby, she was the only child of her parents that's why she was pampered who didn't know about the hardships of life. She is innocent and sensitive because of that we had to take care of her, she kept on crying that day when she lost her parents and kept on clinging to us because we were her uncle and aunt. It was unfortunately our responsibility to keep her with us. She was absolutely naive and didn't know that we loathed her parents. Yes! I hated my brother because he was a perfectionist and was an apple of our parent's eyes. I couldn't do anything in my life, couldn't achieve anything in my life whereas he was a successful entrepreneur." Mr Kapoor said with pure hatred for his elder brother.

"After their death, Pari started living with us so we thought to take advantage of it. We started ordering her to do the household chores. Initially she couldn't understand our intentions, silly girl thought that it's her responsibility to do the household work. With passing days her presence in our home started to become a burden on us that's why we kept on taunting her and took out our frustration on her. The story about her boyfriend was fake, she was never involved in any romantic relationship because we threatened her to not fall in love with someone as with passing years we got greedy. We wanted her as our permanent maid and those bruises on her body are given by us. Whenever she went against us, we used to reward her with a bitter sweet punishment which was bruising her body." Mrs Kapoor whispered without any shame.

"But your neighbors claimed that they have not seen Pari for past three months and if not Pari then whose voices have they heard?" The inspector asked frowning.

"It was us who manipulated the truth and forced them to believe that it was Pari who was fighting for a boyfriend with her family. It was not Pari but it was our daughter. We were just arguing about her love choices and fortunately our neighbors heard it. Also they had not seen Pari from past three months because we had kept her in the basement. We were truly fed up of her and wanted to remove that burden from our life. It was like a miracle that one day our landlord came to us like usual asking for the rent and at that moment we thought to make a deal. We thought to sell that burden to him because we were well aware of the fact that he was a womaniser. Fortunately he agreed and this is how our rent was forfeited but the day we sold Pari to him, she ran away from his hold." Mr Kapoor continued while glaring at Advik.

"She ran away from those people and while running her body collided with my car that day and because of that accident she lost her memories." Advik whispered to himself while slowly understanding the complete truth. His insides were burning with rage. He was feeling disgusted in the presence of these people. How dare they took advantage of an innocent person? How dare they abuse her? How dare they thought to sell his Pari to someone else?

"I can't believe this, you all are so disgusting. Pari is just like your daughter, despite your blood relation with her, you decided to abuse her and sell her but for what? For your mental satisfaction? For revenge? Really! What did you even achieve after abusing her? Are you even humans? That girl who is currently lying on the hospital bed fighting for her life considered you all as her family, she truly thought that now her difficult life would finally get an ease with your presence but it's you who have caused destruction in her life." Advik roared.

"File a case against them as they have given their statements also I don't know how you'll manage it but I want that landlord behind the bars. I want them all to suffer. I know that justice will prevail." Advik said while looking at the inspector. He was still glaring at the Kapoor's when his phone started ringing.

"Hello Mom? Are you alright? Is Pari Okay?" Advik bombarded his mother when he saw it was her who was calling him.

"Advik---- Pari is conscious." It was like Advik couldn't register anything further. His love was alright and was now awake. He forgot everything around him and hurriedly went towards his car. The trio again made their way towards the hospital hoping to see Pari in a healthy state.

In the hospital Mr and Mrs Sharma were waiting for the doctor on duty to report and conduct a check up of Pari. As soon as the doctor came he motioned the Sharma couple to come inside the ward.

Pari was lying on the hospital bed looking so innocent and vulnerable in the hospital gown. There were multiple wires which were attached with her body, some were indicating her pulse while some where indicating her heartbeat.

"Pari are you feeling alright? Does your head hurt?" The doctor interrogated.

"I--I, what? where am---I?" Pari stuttered brokenly not knowing that there was a person staring at her from afar, cautiously waiting for her response.


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•At last the truth is out. What's your reaction on it?

•Pari has gained consciousness. Now we all can only hope that she doesn't lose her memories again.

•What do you think if Pari gains her memories back will she accept Advik and his love?

•Any queries regarding the chapter or about any character? Feel free to ask.

•Any queries regarding the chapter or about any character? Feel free to ask

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